Unfortunately a Ukrainian ARCHER artillery system was hit and totally damaged. The good news: The crew was not seriously injured and will able to get back on the battlefield with a new system soon.

Published 13.10.2024.
Source: Ukrainian Armed Forces official instagram channel
There will always be losses. Material and equipment can be replaced but not the personnel. Let's hope the best for the Ukrainian defenders!

by GermanDronePilot

  1. The Archer system is just a Volvo ADT chassis. Swap the bucket for a gun though. That’ll get repaired

  2. It’s the fastest shooty scooty artillery, is this a lucky RuZ attack or they stayed too long and forgot to scoot?

  3. A good design with a long distance between ammunition and crew. That and the armored cab probably saved lives. A new cannon on the chassis and it should be up and running.

  4. Героям слава! I am happy crew is safe and can live to see their families again. Many are not that lucky 😢

  5. It has put in good work and fortunately ukraines supply of 155mm howitzers is only increasing due to there own production and foreign aid. Ukraine itself is building 20 spgs a month with a production line of towed howitzers just starting aswell

  6. With it not being burned out and the cab intact that looks like it could be repaired economically.

  7. I don’t see how it’s anywhere close to “totally damaged”, it has a big dent in the metal plate covering the autoloader and a flat tire.

  8. Hmm, how did this happen? Archers are build to outpace counter artillery and, I suppose unguided rockets… so, was it a drone attack (with a big payload) or helicopter attack or a mine?

  9. The west collectively should issue a statement saying for every one piece of western weaponry destroyed, they will supply 2 more of the same weapon system

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