Latinos Beware!

Posted by Manofpans44

  1. Honestly, that’s them being lucky. Fascists have a history with packing the “others” onto trains and it usually doesn’t end with just deportation.

  2. Although I agree that there are worse consequences, i.e
    Hitler’s trains, too many Latinos are supporting an avowed con man, racist to be their next president.

  3. “latinos” supporting trump probably includes more Cubans and Puerto Ricans than immigrants from Mexico & Central/South America.

  4. When they start crying after the mass deportations begin, don’t expect me to react.

  5. I live in South Phoenix which has a larger Hispanic population. It’s sickening how many Trump signs have popped up in the last 2 weeks.

  6. Anyone of color that supports them will be the first ones tossed off the band wagon as soon as they’re in power. Just remember the backlash to Vances’ wife.

  7. As a sane Latino that knows at least two Latinos for Trump, they’re fucking morons and basically operate on the “I got mine” mentality and wish they were white guys.

  8. One of my coworkers is very white presenting, with a Hispanic last name and a German birth certificate.

    Another guy gets grouped in with all the Latino gentlemen, and just accepts it. He is half Vietnamese and white.

    Where are those two getting sent?

  9. Like Jews for hitler

    >It primarily attracted members from the [anticommunist]( middle class, small business owners, self-employed professionals such as physicians and lawyers, [national conservatives](, and nationalist [World War I veterans](, many of whom believed that [Nazi antisemitism]( was only a [rhetorical tool]( used to “stir up the masses.”

    **The German Vanguard: German Jewish Followers** ([German]( *Der deutsche Vortrupp. Gefolgschaft deutscher Juden*) was a German association of pro-[Nazi]( [Jewish Germans]( It was founded in [February 1933]( by the historian of religion [Hans-Joachim Schoeps]( and dissolved in [December 1935]([^([1])](

    Vanguard members were fiercely patriotic Germans who sought recognition as a Jewish political movement within the resurgence of German nationalism. They disdained [Eastern European Jews]( and opposed [Marxism](, [Zionism](, and [liberalism](, while failing to grasp the uncompromising [racial nature of Nazi antisemitism]([^([2])](

    Some of their members were also part of the larger [Association of German National Jews](, another group of Jews for Hitler outlawed by the Nazi authorities in 1935.

    Schoeps went into exile in [Sweden]( at the end of 1938, seven weeks after the Nazi [Kristallnacht]( mobs destroyed most German Jewish businesses and places of worship, just before the organized persecutions of the Jewish people began in earnest.

  10. Hope Harris wins, but if trump wins it will be interesting to see what the Latino voters do when they are told their drivers licenses and birth certificates are fake. And they need to get on the train with those illegals

  11. Most ardent Trump supporter at my work was a Mexican immigrant. He came legally, started a business and constantly had to compete against others practicing illegal hiring, made things much more difficult. He eventually sold the plumbing company and worked in mining where he was constantly harassed by other Central American and Mexican immigrants.

  12. Reminds me of the Trump supporter in Indiana who was shocked when his administration deported her undocumented Mexican husband.

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