Mindestens 67 Verletzte bei Drohnenangriff in Binyamina, 4 in kritischem Zustand

Mindestens 67 Verletzte bei Drohnenangriff in Binyamina, 4 in kritischem Zustand


  1. Not aimed at any military target whatsoever, 0 soldiers were aimed at, and unlike them, we don’t let civilians near army bases.

    They’ll gladly do this then label this resistance, disgusting, fuck Hezbollah and fuck their supporters.

  2. This is a huge escalation if true. Much bigget than Iran ballistic launch since this actually got people this time.

  3. This post has already been raided by an army of bots.

    To all those claiming this was an attack on a military base, what military base? There are no bases in Binyamina.

  4. As an Israeli, you should probably know that reputable sources (such as telegram channels which have proven to be reliable) believe it was, in fact, a military base that was hit. Nothing confirmed so it might not be true, but let’s not give the antisemitics another reason to hate people who follow what’s going on. There are enough cases of Hizbullah targeting and hitting civillians without needing to decide that this was also the case here, at least until more information is confirmed.

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