A crew member of a Russian BMP-3 tries to crawl out from under a burning vehicle. Donetsk region

A crew member of a Russian BMP-3 tries to crawl out from under a burning vehicle. Donetsk region

by Physical-Cut-2334

  1. This is one of the most brutal I have seen. Idk which is more painful, this or bleeding out slow from grenade shrapnel.

  2. Go home, leave Ukraine and grow old with your families.

    Is how they want their legacy to end? Burning whilst invading a sovereign nation?

    Go home.

  3. I guess whilst im happy to see Russians getting crushed in these quite shocking videos, I’m not so naive as to think there isn’t a video filmed by the orcs which is much the same, but with a UAF soldier going through it. Fuck Russia

  4. Its a good thing these drones dont have a microphone. I imagine the screams that some of them hear would haunt the drone pilot for eternity.

  5. This war is like a horrible fever nightmare, that one cannot wake up from. I live nearby in Poland and it’s unbelievable that this is happening so close by in Ukraine, a place that was just a few years short of becoming a fully developed first world country, like most other post-soviet states. Ironically, the #1 reason they didn’t make it was because they didn’t orient themselves 100% to the West IMMEDIATELY after USSR collapse, because they wanted to stay friendly towards everybody, including Russia! Now they are being punished for being too nice…

    I was born in the 90s and believed Russia might finally become a NORMAL country after 1000+ years of being aggressive assholes, but apparently their are stuck in their insanity forever. This video is just one more example of the misery they bring even to their own people.

    I am not calling for hostile actions against Russia, but I wish we could built a HUGE wall visible from fucking Mars on our common border and have never to deal with these people ever again.

  6. **Chicks dig scars**

    The lady orcs will go wild for this. So much orc lovin’. Glad Ukraine could help.

  7. There was a time when I would have had sympathy for any soldier in a situation like that, but given that his leader has allowed his military to intentionally and repeatedly target civilians, I have none.


    The solution to achieve world peace is to round up all the countries leaders in a penthouse for the weekend and bring in some really good LSD.. They’d all be best friends by Sunday.

  9. Russians need to understand they stand better odds of survival and ending this war if they turn their guns against the Kremlin and Putin than barren frontline of Ukraine.

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