This election is an IQ test

Posted by Son0fSanf0rd

  1. Trump supporters say he’s anti-establishment. Fools, he’s a rich capitalist who exploits people like you for profit, and he surrounds himself with people just like him. He IS the establishment.

  2. Trump had Linda McMahon as the Small Business Association head.

    WWE is notorious for anti-competitive practices and anti-union practices.

  3. Oh, they’ll reform the system alright, just not in the direction you would want.

    Witness last time, for example, how he sabotaged the USDA by moving the agency half-way across the country so that many of its employees would quit and thus end research they were doing related to climate change.

    There are plenty of useful functions performed by government agencies that protect us, but that billionaires like Musk and Trump dislike. Those are the parts of the system that are gonna get “reformed” out of existence.

  4. Do you think Taylor Swift, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Oprah are going to pay more?

    Democrats have been in power 12 of the last 16 years.

  5. The richest man in the world partners with the most powerful man in the world as US President even as a convicted felon, both have exploited/ruined people, multiple wives/partners ….

    What, you think these guys are going to help you?

  6. In either case your financial situation won’t be better significantly. You have to fight for it. 

  7. To be fair. Liberals probably aren’t going to change the system or hardly reform it not to benefit billionaires either.

  8. Donald trump isn’t even a billionaire. He’s one of the most in debt people in the world. He’s literally a negative billionaire.

  9. A non-insignificant amount of these voters don’t want/care to see the systems/policies. These folks believe they’re imminently rich and just down on their luck or delayed from grandeur.

  10. If you think Trump will put tariffs on China where all his cheap shit is manufactured you’re a special kind of stupid

  11. They didn’t become billionaires through osmosis! They took YOUR money, my money, by overcharging for things you don’t need but they spend lots of money to convince you that you do.

  12. The same group being pro-America and make America great voting for the guy who said there won’t be any more elections while kissing foreign dictators feet.

    They’re not very bright.

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