bLAcK pEOplE aRE MovINg RigHt!!!

Posted by AcanthaceaeNo948

  1. In fairness, Dem/Republican isn’t a good measure of Left v Right. The entire Overton Window has been shanked to the Right so hard that Biden has been supporting policy regarding immigration and Israel that not even Reagan would entertain

  2. What about a comparison to Obama’s first run? Black folk showed up in such numbers, the political landscape was transformed. Wish that would happen again.

  3. I hope this reflects Georgia again this year. The fact Georgia was able to flip has got to push people to realizing it isn’t a lost cause to vote!

  4. That 12% can fuck straight the hell off. They will deserve what they get it he wins. 

  5. Something hilarious like 97% of black women are planning to vote for Harris and 78% of black men are as well, and the conservative media sphere is working SO hard to make this a trend/wedge story. 

    Lazy, yellow journalism.

  6. Maga has convinced themselves elons Twitter bots are real people and have no Idea why they are losing when 100 billion people watched the stream.

  7. I don’t really trust any polls, but man, the Repugs must have brain damage from huffing all that copium lately. It reeks of desperation.

  8. The only group of people that are moving right are young white men. A lot of it has to do with the pewdiepipeline (this phenomenon may have another name now).

    Basically innocuous YouTubers would link to less innocuous YouTubers and eventually get them hooked on edgelords and other Infowars type bullshit.

  9. The margin of error on this poll is +/- 7.3 which seems pretty large. Was this a subset of another poll? (ie guessing the sample size here was pretty small)

  10. Only two things to for election measurements this cycle: special election wins and Allan lichtman’s algorithm.

  11. But some of those shitty pollsters worked really hard to get those polls with almost no black voters that showed “movement” for Trump in states like Georgia to be taken seriously by rags like the NYT.

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