Most advanced and elaborate Central European dish.

PIGS look away paee

by DmanPT1

  1. One of the most famous pieces of Spanish poetry is called “The onion lullabies”. Back during the civil war, the poet wrote about how his wife only had bread and onions to feed their baby. It’s often used as an example of the hunger, misery and suffering of war.

  2. This can be saved:

    1° Rub the butter in a pan
    2° Sauter the onion
    3° Toast the bread
    4° Cry profusely while eating

  3. Don’t know what the fuck is going in Hungary, but don’t drag the absolute superior culinary dishes of Czechia, Austria and Southern Germany into this.

    It’s not a central European problem that they are hungry for shit in Hungary. It must be their urgh-alic ancestry.

  4. I once ordered a Hungarian breakfast while in Budapest and I still regret it dearly. It was a sad charcuterie board with some slices of cheese (which was decent), salami, half a raw red pepper, half a raw onion, half a raw tomato, half a boiled egg and some other weird stuff.

    If those cunts hads threw it all in a frying pan with some butter or oil it would’ve been quite decent.

  5. Everyome who dares to criticise hungarian cuisine doesnt know about székelykáposzta – the holy grail of food

  6. I was excited once about finding some cheese at a grocery store in Budapest that was like 180 forints.

    It was absolutely disgusting.

  7. The lard should have more meat and be more cured (so it’s like “Salo/Slanina”) grind some black pepper and a bit more onion + mince garlic in.

    But I guess we will save it for the Balkans and Eastern Europeans

  8. Did a brit nut on this because they saw food for the first time ? (Food for british standarts)

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