Watch Host Get Pissed as Vivek Calmly Reads Simple Facts

Watch Host Get Pissed as Vivek Calmly Reads Simple Facts

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” reacts to a DM clip of Vivek Ramaswamy unloading on CNN’s Kate Bolduan for ignoring the flip-flopping of Kamala Harris.
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  1. Obviously she flip flopped on a bunch of issues bc at the time she wanted to carve a progressive lane for herself, but now shes in a position where she's suddenly the presidential nominee and is just trying to win. Everyone does this, including and especially Trump. Vivek (and dummy dave) are just obnoxious little goblins who wanna bitch and moan about every shit a democrat makes

  2. It’s just incredible that these “journalists “ won’t even acknowledge the facts. They just continue to defend the indefensible whole heartedly. Hardheaded and stupid!

  3. Don't you just love how the reporter tried to gloss-over Kamala's opportunistic "change" in position? 😆 As if Kamala Harris didn't just suddenly change during an election to appeal to "moderate" voters she hopes are uninformed about her past actions and positions.

    Vivek had the receipts, though, and that's impressive.

  4. If you look at interviews from 80s, 90s Trumps core policies and values haven't changed.

    Kamala on the other hand changed them when she was instaled as nominee and based on polling. And at same time her (old) policies are being implemented. Border, fracking, …

    And in interviews says things like my value have not changed, i stand behind policies of last 4 years.

  5. Harris says what she thinks will benefit her the most that's the Harris position if her lips are moving she's lying she's told so many lies that if you listen to her you can pick up on the lies and you can tell by the body language and tone of voice when someone is lying I haven't seen them prove one single accusation directed at Trump and she has accused Trump of some serious crimes but can't provide any proof on the other hand the proof that she is anti American Marxist and they have the proof she has broken the law and committed multiple counts of treason and the proof supports that but the DOJ refuses to take legal action against any of the communist democratic party unless they tell the truth about what's really going on and they end up on the shit list they go after them like there republicans and Garland is going after all Republicans except the ones who are imposter Republicans who are actually democrats pretending to be Republican but they only vote and act Democrat like Cheney and McConnell 2 good examples of communist democrats that have infiltrated the Republican party and it blows my mind they have allowed McConnell to retain so much power when he constantly stabbing Republicans in the back especially when the Republicans have had a chance to successfully push thru legislation that would benefit the American people and these imposters make sure it doesn't pass I think they should be held accountable and banned for life from holding any position or office in the government and loose their retirement and all the wealth they didn't have when they took the job because that wealth was stolen from the tax payers some where along the line politicians run for office and race to accumulate as much wealth as they can at the expense of the tax payer and they have been robbing us blind for decades look at that bitch Pelosi 200 million is impossible on civil servent pay even with 30 or 40 year's of riding the gravy train for free they only work about 4 months a year and since the Biden Harris administration was installed the Democrats have spent the last 4 year's trying to destroy Trump and America and they have spent no time representing the people who elected them but they have been stealing tax payer money as fast as they can print it and they have been printing money 24/7/365 since they were installed and giving our money to everyone but the American people they threw us some scraps and were supposed to be happy with that and a lot of people didn't even get the scrap's like single white men haven't gotten anything except the blame for all that's wrong with America when we are to blame for making America great and we have been made public enemy number one when the truth is the one's pointing a finger at Trump and Republicans are to blame for everything that's wrong so all of you accusing Trump and Republicans are what's wrong with America and all of you lying bastards I pray you get exactly what you deserve an eye for an eye Dana Bush is either brainwashed or stupid or a combination of both and if she has kids she doesn't care about them if she is fighting for democrats and if they win she will be amongst the first one's that will be dropped and kicked to the curb by the communist because they will no longer be needed it's like when they would move a tribe to the reservation they would disarm the scout's who fought and killed their own people for the army and as soon as they were no longer needed they were disarmed and thrown back in with the tribe and forced to go to the reservation and live with the people they betrayed how do you think they felt I would say they wouldn't live very long because native Americans lived by a code and if you violate that code they were punished it's the same as breaking the law and they had to accept the punishment and often time's that was death they had more character than the people who murdered them stole their land and raped it of any natural resources like gold silver oil and if they found a gold strike on a reservation they would move them and steal what ever they could I bet there is gold that has never been found that the native Americans know about like in the superstition mountains some areas were a death sentence to prospect there there is still a lot of places people haven't explored because they are difficult to reach and the environment makes it hard to reach just imagine if climate change was real and all the ice caps melted and they could access ground in places were they know gold is there they have one location where a guyser spray's gold particles out and you can trace it for miles but climate change is a scam because if you got rid of CO2 there would be no vegetation CO2 is good and necessary for us to grow food but these freaks like Bill Gates wants everything to come out of a lab like these meat products because if they control the food supply it would support them in maintaining control of the people

  6. The love of fracking is the only thing I dislike about Trump. Fracking is bad for the environment. It's good for the economy, but the dangers arent worth it imo

  7. i'm going to say it again the left and their absurdity, are magicians at gaslighting and obfuscation, sadly their trick has been seen through and no longer work.

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