Welsh village’s 20mph ‘ultra’ speed camera catches thousands of drivers in just one month

"While the 20mph limit has resulted in fewer collisions and injuries on 20mph and 30mph roads, …"

I'm trying to work out the logic of this. If collisions on 30 mph roads have gone down too then there's another factor at play, and the 20 mph speed limit might not be the cause of the reduced accidents.

Is that not right?

by AnnieByniaeth

  1. Due to the poor implementation no one is really sure what’s 30 or 20,

    I live in a very rural area, the signage is awful, we don’t have street lights and nothing is very built up, yet we have a mix of changed to 20 and some 30 and some stuff you think might be 20 is 40 even on the only main A road.

  2. I remember the graph that was shared that showed the reduction in accidents post 20mph introduction. If you zoomed out of that one time period there has been a steady decline in car accidents over the last 20 years or so, a massive dip during COVID which then came back and resumed its gradual downward trend

  3. It should be cut down!! Absolute ludicrous law!! Nothing about saving lives, it’s all about the money 💰.

  4. They have to calculate it as 20 and 30 roads because the number of 20 roads have gone up massively and the number of 30 roads have gone down massively. So you can’t compare how many accidents on the few 20 roads before the change with how many accidents on the way way more 20 roads before.

    So you look at all the roads that were 20 and 30 before the change (vast majority 30) and then you look at all the same roads today (when the vast majority are 20) you can make an accurate comparison – and that’s what they’ve done.

    To truly test whether the big drop is down to the change and not just a general drop in accidents, you’d also then compare it to how much accidents have dropped in 40/50/60/70 roads. When you do that you see a sight reduction in accidents on those roads compared to a big drop on the 20/30.

  5. I’m sick of people whingeing about this. 20mph is fine, stop moaning because you want to drive fast.

  6. There was a data collection error on the data prior to the 20-30 limit. Something around the police’s system for recording accidents defaulting the speed limit to 30 and officers rarely changing it when the collision occurred in a different speed limit because the police use wider bands to determine accident types; the detail below 50mph doesn’t really matter for their purposes. So it was often the case than an accident occurring in a 40 limit, for example, would be recorded as occurring in a 30 erroneously.

    For data collected post the 20 default they went and manually corrected collision reports based on local authority records. They haven’t done this for incidents prior to the default 20.

    It basically means we can’t draw any conclusions on a change in accident rates since the introduction of the 20mph default limit.

  7. See if they wanted to remove money making as the incentive what they should do is add more points for going over the 20mph limit and possibly a ban for 3.momtjs for getting caught twice. That would be the incentive to slow down but without the financial incentive to catch and fine people for not slowing down.

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