Scottish woman goes on ‘drug-fuelled rampage’ on holiday after ‘buying weed jar’

Scottish woman goes on ‘drug-fuelled rampage’ on holiday after ‘buying weed jar’

Posted by dailystar_news

  1. Who gets high and “goes on a rampage”? The only rampage I go on is to the snack cupboard and then to bed.

  2. Here we go again, ‘Reefer Madness’ type propaganda to frighten the older people into never even allowing a vote to legalise.

    The only danger you are in with weed is needing to buy it from people who, by definition are labelled as criminals.

    I’m not saying that it needs to be very tightly regulated and that harsh penalties need to be in place for people that break the law whilst under the influence, but it’s about time the UK sees that cannabis is far less dangerous than alcohol, both to the person using and society at large. It would fetch billions in tax revenue, lead to less violent crimes committed under influence (compared to alcohol) and lower costs on public services such as A+E (again, compared to the impact drinking has due to physical assaults, long term health issues seen in late stage alcoholism)

  3. Very important information is she had pre existing health conditions (they will be psychological ones so the use of any drug nevermind a psychoactive one is a terrible idea), and she was using it “excessively” and she was using prescription medication that it seemed to have had sn interaction with.

    So basically the perfect storm to have a bad time.

  4. Seems strange & unfair, that all of the violence & illnesses that stem from alcohol, barely ever get a mention… Yet it does incalculably more damage to society than weed ever could.

  5. That’s why introducing medicinal marijuana and or legalising it would solve this as purchasing such weed is so vetted and controlled that you will NOT feel the need to rampage, just the need to have a laugh and sleep well.

  6. > Local news reports claim she was in a state of “distress” and was found crying in her hotel room, with a jar of cannabis and drug paraphernalia also discovered.

    Yeah, such a rampage.

  7. Defo needs regulation.

    You can’t have “crazed Scottish women” rampaging willy nilly in society.

    They need to be stopped.

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