Daughter jailed for life for killing parents and living with dead bodies for FOUR years

Daughter jailed for life for killing parents and living with dead bodies for FOUR years


Posted by Remarkable_Craft815

  1. Sometimes I have to remind myself why I’m against capital punishment when I see people like this. Is there any reason for this person to cost the taxpayer over £50k per year, when shes so obviously unapologetic for something like this.

  2. Why would you even think about doing such a thing though?? And to your own parents?! Over something as meaningless as money.

    If you’re that unhappy with your life, just jump on a plane and become a nomad. There’s nothing worse than doing something like this.

  3. Oh, her Netflix series is going to be INSANE.

    “Cheer up. At least you caught the bad guy!”

  4. “Cheer up, at least you’ve caught the bad guy”

    Absolutely mental. Her calm demeanour and self awareness is frightening

  5. From what I’ve seen about her she seems mentally challenged. Also interested to hear more about how her siblings didn’t have one conversation with their parents in four years without raising the alarm and yet still released statements after saying they loved their grandchildren etc

  6. Some people’s brains are wired differently in such a way that this was a normal thing to do – It’s a mental condition.

  7. I dunno about this stuff. If one of my relatives was murdered I don’t think I’d want all this stuff on telly.

  8. Would you kill 2 people for 170k, let alone your parent’s. What on earth could she have been thinking.

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