A tale of innovation.

A tale of innovation.

by Idonthaveenoughfanta

  1. Why don’t you get that yank content out of here asap? Even reposted from 2american4you, brother you should be permabanned from this sub for such transgressions.

  2. Truly two examples of the same topic

    (They will brag about that event but still won’t be able to build proper public transportation)

  3. We’re working on making our future on Earth better, they’re working on leaving it. I’m OK with that.

  4. Yankees are so conflicted by spaceX. They love it, but they also need to hate Elon. They maybe able to land a rocket. But they have no ability to play any sort of shit housery

  5. The entire comment section is r/ShitAmericansSay, such as:

    >The US is so much better than Europe that we have a company staffed almost entirely by millenials and Gen Z hipsters, led by an autistic billionaire who shitposts memes on social media, and it has already done more for space exploration than all European countries combined.

  6. To be fair, if I lived in the USA I would also be spending millions and millions to build a rocket that would allow me to move to a different planet

  7. Can transport upwards some thousands of kilometers in a couple hours

    Can’t get from east NY to west NY in less than a day.

  8. Let’s compare Elmo’s hyperloop and chinese train network lol. Americans lose their marbles when someone compares them and china.

  9. You boys are too jealous. You should harness that energy into actions so that maybe one day we can catch up with the Muricans.

  10. Also the cap is half the size of what it used to be… 🙄🙄🙄 that shit falls everytime and it’s unhygenic cause I always touch the inside part.

  11. They are not wrong. I mean their country sucks but the EU has been losing competitiveness against the US in science and technology for quite some time even the most productive parts of the EU.

  12. Don’t forget that the only reason Europeans have “free” health care is because Americans pay for our defence.

  13. Lets not cope, this post it hard. Regulation kills innovation in EU. SpaceX could have never been european.

  14. I can’t emphatize enough, was just ripping the cap off my protein shake and got my shirt messed up. The other option is to have it drip on the shirt while drinking. Thanks EU!

  15. Everyone bitching about the bottlecaps is just too dumb to turn the things around and should be put in a carecenter for the mentally impaired. Or too fucking weak to just rip them off. Go lift you anti-european dumb nut sissies.

  16. EU: making an effort to keep the planet somewhat liveable – albeit tiny.
    US: releasing more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere so the elite can bounce before this planet becomes inhabitable – theoretically that is.

  17. James Webb Telescope was lifted by Ariane because it is still the most reliable platform, tho.

    Expensive, but it does not blow up and goes where it is supposed to go.

  18. I don’t even get the hate for those bottle caps. They don’t impede use even slightly unless you’re one of those cartoon characters who can’t get a long object through a door because they’re holding it sideways.

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