Trump Slammed for Going Crazy on the Bronzer at Speaking Event, ‘He Looks Like He Has Shoe Polish All Over His Face!’

Trump Slammed for Going Crazy on the Bronzer at Speaking Event, ‘He Looks Like He Has Shoe Polish All Over His Face!’

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. And yet 47% of the American people idolize this absurdly insane piece of shit…the U.S. was great while it lasted

  2. “Oranger! Make it oranger, damnit!”

    “;~; I- I- I’m sorry Mr. president sir”

    “Give me that! I’ll do it myself!!!”

  3. Some of the pictures almost look like he’s got blackface on. Seriously, is his vision going too? He looks absolutely terrible, unless these are fake.

  4. As people sink into dementia, they start to get sloppy with makeup. His comments on Detroit in Detroit, and his inability to control bodily functions point to obvious cognitive decline.

  5. He really is a pathic creep. I still find it hard to understand why his cult following worships him.

  6. Everything about the guy is fake. Lifts in his shoes, dyed combed over hair, lies about his weight, covers his pale face with fake color. He’s almost eighty and still isn’t comfortable enough to be authentic.

  7. For better or worse, Trump does his own make-up. It’s something that always stood out when I first came across the information.

  8. I’m 100% sure Trump will say he’s more black than Harris. It will not be called blackface anymore, just Trump Face.

  9. “”Along with blocking the requests from Trump and Giuliani, Bowers also intervened in January 2022 to stop a House bill that would have given the state legislature power to choose its slate of presidential electors, overriding the winner chosen by voters.””

    The loyalty to this man has gone way beyond normal political sides, though… Any lifelong conservative Republican that does not buy-in to his false claims or complete an illegal action is lambasted to the world on social platforms and in the media. They, in turn, receive death threats and pressure from the sycophants. And they cheat cheat cheat cheat…..there’s. I end to how many ways they’ve attempted to disenfranchise the American voter and popular vote.

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