What opinion about London will you defend like this?

What opinion about London will you defend like this?

by urbexed

  1. The weather is great. Not heavy rainstorms, good temperature and I love that the sun doesn’t shine a lot.

  2. NIMBYs are killing the city – bars closing at 10:30, cars everywhere, and nowhere to live

  3. That Londoners are friendly. I’ve made loads of friends here and know many of my neighbours on my street.

    We just don’t go around saying hello to strangers we pass in the street and don’t want randoms talking to us on public transport.

  4. Londoners aren’t rude at all, in fact they’re very friendly. Everyone is just overstimulated with the sheer amount of people so prefer to shut everyone else out while commuting around the city. If you need anything, or require assistance, people are normally happy to help from my experience!

  5. The word gentrification (in a negative sense) gets thrown around way too much here. The regeneration of run down / bad areas is a good thing. While much could be done to look after and maintain pre-existing businesses and communities and avoid pushing them out, ultimately I believe the results of regeneration are a net positive to the city.

  6. Maybe no one will disgree, but transport from the bedtowns in surrounding counties is extortionate when compared to other countries.

    I moved to Bedfordshire earlier this year after spending a decade in Japan. I knew trains were expensive here, but I didn’t expect a monthly season pass for the 35 minute trip from my town to St Pancras to cost over £500. A monthly pass for a journey that distance in Japan wouldn’t cost 1/4 as much. The most expensive monthly pass from Tokyo’s biggest three bedtowns (Chiba to Tokyo) is only 19,980 yen, which is currently around £100. Most people don’t even have to pay that since almost all companies in Japan pay for staffs’ transportation.

  7. Bank station is fine outside of rush hour, which is only as hellish as any other station.

  8. People who don’t like in London and who only judge about it from TikTok and X (Twitter) posts have no business spreading their baseless hate online.

  9. If people have to live in a flat with multiple housemates, that’s not a liveable city. Especially if they work practically essential jobs to the city; stores, restaurants, cafes, etc.

  10. There is a plentiful
    Supply of hot, monogamous men waiting to date seriously and settle down. 

    Oh hold on, no just joking

  11. London is a very safe place for a major city. Certainly safer than any large US city, where much of the criticism comes from.

  12. The 20mph speed limit is so good. Wandering here is much safer than many metropolitan areas.

  13. So many restaurants are low quality and just well marketed.

    Drop a bomb on instagrammable decor and pretentious sounding menus and Londoners will think your mediocre food is amazing.

  14. That if you willingly move here, you should not criticise it for being “too busy, too many people, and too expensive” because, as I said, you willingly moved here. Far, far too many people who are from outside of London who move here do that. London does not owe you anything.

  15. Remember to sort by controversial to get an accurate depiction of the picture posted.

  16. Chicken shops are absolutely atrocious and there are far too many of them!!!!!

    >What opinion about London will you defend like this?

  17. There are too many ugly modern buildings in London, and the “contrast” between new and old is overrated

  18. That there are many other places in the world as Diverse as London. There are a few but not many. LA, New York, Toronto, Sydney and that’s probably it. London is just a huge melting pot, which is why it always gets used and abused in Tory Culture wars. Considering that fact I think we do pretty well at mainly getting along.

  19. Camden is full of weirdos. I am from Camden and I am a weirdo but there’s normal people around

  20. There is so many good food spots despite tourists settling on chains like Wagamamas and calling the London food scene boring

  21. Canary Wharf is a perfectly decent place to spend time and people who wang on about it being soulless are unfairly comparing it Shoreditch and Hackney when it should be compared with somewhere like Westfield

  22. It’s not that lonely. You need to actually expand your horizons if you want meaningful connections.

  23. London is more relaxing than smaller towns because you feel less seen among the hustle n bustle

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