Internetarchiv von palästinensischen Aktivisten zerstört

Internetarchiv von palästinensischen Aktivisten zerstört

  1. After what they have done to Wikipedia, my fear is they are trying to destroy the actual history of Israel to replace it with lies and slander.

  2. Why are these assholes always running around kicking over whatever other people have built up?

  3. Russian and Arabic speaking group that targets French,Saudi and Israeli businesses.

    Pretty obvious cover under the Palestine label.

  4. First chanting death to Canada and Usa in Canadian soil, then taking down internet archive, what a great week to be a Palestinian supporter.

  5. Competing with just stop oil for most incompetent methods for getting people to rally to your cause

  6. So, they’re acknowledging that they can’t confront the military-industrial complex or Congress, the real culprits, and instead target an organization powerless to address the Palestinian issue? Isn’t that just bullying—picking on the defenseless?

  7. Anyone attacking human attempts to preserve history are bottom of the barrel scum.

    There’s nothing more regressive than behavior like this.

  8. Activists for what? It’s weird how this is being framed.

    I wouldn’t call any group an activist for aiming to restrict freedom of information. Activists for the regime?

    I’m pissed off now, I tried to watch “threads” over the weekend and the only good place for it was IA.

  9. This sucks. I use Internet Archive all the time and it’s still down. What a loss for humanity if it’s gone for ever.

  10. I can guarantee you the whole “Palestinian Activists” thing is just a cover for another group. I don’t know enough about the situation personally to make a reasonably accurate guess but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Russia.

  11. This is because they want to destroy historical records and remodelling it to fit their own agenda.

    They re anarchists, and allergic to facts or truth.

  12. Gaza is saved!!!!!!! Maybe we can burn more fossil fuels and eat plastic to take this protest to the next level?

  13. Anything and everything is to blame except for the genocidal islamic terrorists who started this shitshow, huh

  14. No it wasn’t, it was taken down by Russians now trying to claim to be Palestinian activists to drum up even more hatred towards them.

  15. Reminds me of Isis destroying every non-islamic historical site they came across. It doesn’t make sense though, sounds more like a cover. Why wouldn’t they target israeli websites instead?

  16. How does destroying a repository of human knowledge for all people make your cause more just? Can it bring back the dead or wipe away injustice?

    No. Just more ignorance in the void of human misery, where there could potentially be knowledge and understanding.

  17. The internet archive of all sites? They really thought that this was a good target that would help their cause 💀.

  18. What a vile and disgusting echo chamber this is. You all love floating around in your own filth, lies, and moral depravity. Good luck continuing to lie to the world. You have been exposed

  19. This is like last week’s news. The group has already been linked to being created in Russia.

  20. Any chance this is an Israeli operation designed to make palestinian “activists” look bad? Because this just doesn’t make sense. Why would it be a target? How would it possibly help the Palestinian cause?

  21. The internet Archive that’s been the subject of like 500 corporate ownership lawsuits over the last two years?

    Sounds like a cover story. And guess who leads the way in copyright and domain law?

    I’ll give you a clue, they’re not Palestinians

  22. If you have to erase history for your worldview to hold, you have a nonsense worldview.  

  23. This is a “how to get many who might have sympathized with their cause to say fuck you” situation.

  24. Everyone tripping over themselves to chant for their confirmation bias just because this shitty article from some random website says a random twitter account “confirmed” they did it.

    Amazing shit going on on r/worldnews

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