Sir Keir Starmer pledges to get rid of regulations that hold back investment at Summit

Sir Keir Starmer pledges to get rid of regulations that hold back investment at Summit

by Dawnbringer_Fortune

  1. Not more pledges from kier. He likes making them, pity he can’t stick to them.

  2. Does this guy ever shut the fuck up and just get on with it.

    Stop pledging shit and talking and just do it for once.

  3. Meanwhile his party is about to introduce the largest bundle of anti business employment red tape in a generation.

  4. Sounds awfully like something the old Tories would say. Blaming red tape blah blah blah 🤮

  5. Keir wants to look at why these regulations exist in the first place before he gets rid of them instead of assuming he knows better than all the politicians who came before him.

    In other words, don’t be so quick to tear down regulations until you understand why they’re there in the first place. The regulations may have been enacted for a very good reason, even if that reason is not immediately obvious.

  6. If Sunak would have said this I would have been fucking worried.

    Because I am not tribal I am worried.

  7. I’m sure the survivors and families of the grenfell disaster will love to hear about how we are planning to get rid of more regulation. What’s a few people burning to death in their homes compared to the progress of capitalism?

  8. Sounds more like “slip us some back handers and we’ll fast track any shit you want to pull and we’ll claim it’s all in the name of progress”.

    I trust this guy less and less each day.

  9. The demonisation of regulation is the weirdest thing in our political sphere. For too many it’s a buzzword they associate with bureaucracy without understanding why it exists. Because companies will wilfully endanger populations in the pursuit of profits. Grenfell looms as an example.

  10. This is a Tony Blair policy, introduced in 2005.

    One In One Out was introduced by the Better Regulation Executive (an offshoot of Cabinet Office) to ensure that new regulations that affected businesses could only be introduced if there was equivalent levels of deregulation to net off the new costs. The Tories liked it so much they increased it to One In Two Out and then One In Three Out.

    It’s a great soundbite but after 19 years, is there anything left that can be cut back?

  11. “Cutting red tape” is exactly what you’d expect to hear from a Tory PM. Deregulation being a being a huge part of neoliberalism.

  12. Fishing for some more freebies is he. Another government same old bullshit where those that need help get left behind.

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