Boris Johnson says public ‘craved’ lockdown rules

Boris Johnson says public ‘craved’ lockdown rules

In an interview with Sky News, Boris Johnson denied mocking the public by questioning why they “so avidly craved” lockdown rules and obeyed them “like a religion”.

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  1. War criminal,this man lies puted 1000000 eastern europian man dead,the same puppet bring Brexit because of them,then he decides to fight Russia until last Ukranian

  2. The karma and heartache these psychopathic arseholes have created and caused they will be punished, they even called a variant OMICRON which is an anagram of MORONIC which basically means they're calling people in society stupid idiotic fools it's sick…

  3. What a liar. He chose to listen to the pair of frauds he choose. There were plenty of other, equally well qualified, who advised the opposite. He has blood on his hands for this and tge Ukraine war. 😡💩👹

  4. The queen 👑 respected the Lock 🔒 down rules. 🤔 Prince Philip had quiet 🤫 words in Hereford about another matter. 🤔 Who is going to buy lance corporal Bodgers book. He needs to get back into his ww3 sandpit. Personal opinion. No hard feelings, but why can't we find your COVID whatsapps when we can find whatsapps. 🤔🤫😹 Getting the special forces to try and invade the Netherlands. 😮😹

  5. He is quite right about that. I was in the UK in March 2020 and the British people were indeed craving regulation at that time.
    There was a lot of uncertainty and confusion prevailing amongst the people at that time.

  6. Of course he's right. I'm a doctor of 41 years experience, and when patients are scared, they crave absolute certainty in the rules they're 'supposed' to follow

  7. People were gagging for lockdown. Boris began by very sensibly promoting herd immunity. He was immediately told, by the precious, fretting, self obsessed public to lock down. Conveniently short memories.

  8. He’s right. “Lock me down harder daddy” was the cry from much of the public. Suddenly everyone wanted a totalitarian state. It was bizarre and insane. He should not have kowtowed to it though.

  9. When will the MSM be holding to account all the labour wokearatti and others who took part in the racist BLM riots in 2020 ? The rest of us were in lockdown.

  10. He mocked the public because they didn’t expect it to be so easy. They didn’t expect people to lap up the BS so willingly. Hancock was the same , pretending to shed tears, he was laughing at everyone because the majority bought his lies.

  11. I remember people acting like fascists the minute we went into lockdown. People COULDN’T WAIT to start reporting their neighbours for socialising, condemning people for not being in their bubbles.

    I’m not a Tory, I don’t like him, but I do remember this man being reluctant to jump on the lockdown band wagon and the press criticised for this.

    Please don’t y’all forget how quickly y’all were stock piling toilet roll.

    He’s telling the truth, people wanted this.

  12. It wasn't a mockery but a mere observation that others had, too. The UK society is used to being told what to do and how to do it. They like order. 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜

  13. Anyone who understood the science of a contagion and exponential growth desperately wanted a worldwide hard and fast lockdown to prevent this awful virus becoming ubiquitous in the human population. Once this happened it was forever impossible to go back and now we must live with Covid-19 for the rest of time.

    Also we understood that a properly controlled hard lockdown would stop the virus in its tracks thus reducing the need for subsequent lockdown measures further down the line. This would have been better for businesses and the economy in the long term so even from a purely capatalist point of view, a quick and thorough worldwide lock down response to covid-19 was the correct course of action if we as a worldwide human population could have achieved it, which of course we never could and probably never will when a future pandemic strikes.

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