Martin Lewis shreds Lisa Nandy in fiery interview Plus Pay per Mile update

Martin Lewis shreds Lisa Nandy in fiery interview Plus Pay per Mile update

#martinlewis #winterfuelpayment #netzero

Martin Lewis takes on the Culture Secretary, Lisa Nandy, during ITV’s Good Morning Britain, over the Government’s failure to protect vulnerable pensioners losing the Winter Fuel Payment.
Plus we have good news about the rumoured introduction of Pay Per Mile road tax. Dovetailed on to that is a commentary about the Government’s climate change policy.

Shower video by Curtis Adams at
Photo of a terraced street by Free Images Live at

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  1. I’m educated and I’ve held a professional role but what younger people fail to understand is that as you age you lose confidence and energy to form fill. 240 questions. FGS. It just becomes a task you can’t face. For many of the eligible it’s probably just too much on top of all the other challenges they face. If you don’t have family near by to help and anyway mostly you’re too embarrassed to admit you can’t do,it anymore. I remember my parents and was bemused by their refusal to claim even a disability parking badge. Now I understand!!

  2. Just an idea , to all my fellow OAP’s – keep the heating on enough to remain comfortable- when you can’t pay the bill – worst that can happen , go to jail- 3 meals a day and nice and warm!!

  3. Its obvious they have made a massive error and are now trying to defend their decision, and her defence is absolutely pathetic, and she knows it .

  4. It is all about money. Martin is now aggressively promoting himself as a champion of the down trodden whilst coining it himself as a media personality. There is a logical reason why the government has set the cut off limit using pension credit – I don’t think there is a government data system that can impose any other! Mr Lewis’s solution ? Use council tax bands so that those in lower value housing get the benefit those in more valuable properties don’t. What about the property rich , cash poor pensioners ? Is the council tax actually linked to the DWP system ? We are in for a stormy few years now of benefit/tax reform. There will always be winners and losers.

  5. What a great knowledgable video! it also widens the eyes about Nandy who simple does not know what she is talking about, no surprise there that’s for sure.

  6. Fail to plan = Plan to fail
    The government are only now putting in this effort to contact people due the winter fuel allowance after people like Mr Lewis got on their case

  7. None of this would have happened if the bent politics of parliament had not robbed pensioners of the winter fuel allowance, and how much time and money is being wasted to cover up this wicked, wicked thing that that Labour has done?

    So when batteries have reached their end, then what happens to them? Landfill? To take all the cars of the road in such a short time will see a drop in road vehicle tax, and garage maintenance of cars, motor repair shops going to the wall, aside from lack of engineers to deal with electric vehicles. A whole new infrastructure will have to be built, and not forgetting petrol stations going to the wall, staff on the dole, delivery drivers on the dole, and so on, and so forth, aside from the strain on the power companies to supply the extra electricity, which they are finding hard to do with the increase in the population.

  8. Well, I received my Letter from the DWP advising me that my Winter fuel Allowance will not be coming! Lisa Nandy says proudly that as she has put Booster Rockets under the Independent film Industry ~ by paying them vast sums of money in support ~ Wonderfull, I feel so much better now that I know that my Winter Fuel Allowance will be supporting the Independent Film Industry! She's got to be effin Joking, but then maybe not as our new Government seems full of these crazy individuals!

  9. people don't want EV's. They are a waste of money and more damaging (in the production) to normal "ice" engines. Fiat, Mercedes, VW, and all others are stopping production or slowing down because they cannot sell "ticking time bombs" and be honest all we are doing is upping the profits of CHINA. It takes hundreds of thousands of gallons of water to slow the flames ( water cannot put the fires out as the chemicals when burning produce there own oxygen that keep the fires burning and all that water becomes TOXIC and is drained into the water coarses so soon we will have no water to drink. Our future is doomed because of all the WOKE LEFTIES AND ECO ENVIROMENTALIST and DICKHEADS RUNNING THE COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD. THANK GOD I DO NOT HAVE LONG LEFT ON THIS PATHETIC PLANET.

  10. Just reinstate the winter fuel payment but make it taxable income. Those with the lowest incomes won't end up paying tax because they won't meet the threshold. Those with better incomes will simply pay income tax at their normal rate. A simple solution which would utilise existing taxation practices for its administration.

  11. Enjoy your moment Lisa how you sleep at night I don't know. Take your pensioners to illegal migrant Hotels leave them in foyer with a note saying its there human rights to be kept warm fed and watered.

  12. Pay per mile would be MUCH BETTER for pensioners than the unfair flat rate VED (road tax) that we have now.
    Most pensioners have very low annual mileage, so why do you think it's fair to make pensioners doing a few miles a week pay the same as wealthy people driving high mileages?
    Those high mileage, wealthy drivers are wearing out the roads much more than someone who just goes to the shops once or twice a week, not to mention that high mileage drivers put much more pollution into the air we all breathe.
    So, I think you need to reexamine your concept of fairness

  13. My husband received his letter today telling him he won't be receiving his winter heating allowance. He's worked all his adult life. Never claimed benefits. At the age of 73 he's a proud man. Yes we are worried about putting the heating on. Lisa Nandy you are leaving the poorest behind. Hope you're proud of yourself.

  14. Not yet freezing but I have been very ill I have had Covid yet again Twice. In two years I’ve Been in hospital with pneumonia and have suffered bronchitis and been told I have long covid as well as fibromyalgia . I had to work 6 extra years with ill health until I finally retired one year ago husband is disabled I’m his full time carer so the carers allowanced ceased on my 66 th birthday I’m younger than hubby so I can’t even apply for pension credit I don’t what to be hear but I have him and now his mother has dementia I care for her too.its all getting to much.

  15. Someone called Martin Lewis the people's chancellor and it's gone to the chaps head. Nobody has casted a single vote for you and you're dabbling in politics all the time and more often than not sounding like some Tory .

  16. re PayPerMile! >> There's something most of you don't know, which changes EVERYTHING! Yes, I understand how you feel because for many years I too believed "the debate is over" and we must just accept electric cars, pay per mile, no more economy flights abroad, the closedown of all our industry, being confined to "15-min cities, buying everything we need from the far east (where they're still allowed to build DOZENS of cheap coal power stations each year) & all the other WEF horrors forevermore!
    But it turns out its all 100% BS! –
    1. That claimed survey 97% of climate scientists agree man-made CC is real ? Not actually a survey, but a couple of guys reading through every recent climate paper & deciding whether they agreed CC was happening or not – BUT 1ST excluding about 80%+ as expressing no opinion. So personally I'm surprised they didn't get 100% because almost everyone believes CC is ALWAYS happening!
    2. Those global temp charts that only go back to 1600 at most & show fairly constant increases ever since (even before the industrial age!)? Another con because that was when we had a "mini ice age" when it was so cold they held a winter fayre on the river thames right through EVERY winter! BUT if they took the chart back another couple of centuries? They'd hit "the medieval warm period" when temps were FAR hotter than today, & yet London, New York nor the Maldives DIDN'T sink beneath the waves!
    3. Climategate! – the 2009 leak of climate scientists emails from the University of East Anglia which caught them RED-HANDED discussing fiddling the real-world data to match their faulty models! It took no less than 3 establishment-run enquiries to exonerate them – each wilfully ignoring the content of those emails & instead focussing on the critics & their "crime" of uncovering the (actual) crime!
    4. Carbon is the energy of LIFE! Zero carbon => Zero trees & plants => Zero oxygen => Zero humans! WE are the carbon they want to wipe out! More carbon means more plants, vegetation & FOOD!
    5. Climate change or climate manipulation?? What they fail to tell us is that MANY countries are now able to "cloud seed" to cause torrential rain or droughts – the RAF first did it in the 50s, and nearly wiped the seaside town in Devon off the map in the process (but didn't admit it, that only came to light in the 90s after 40 years as an "official secret!")
    6. The USA also has the HAARP system (google or wiki it) which can cause hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes & more! And they also have satellite energy weapons which can cause forest fires or destroy homes. And now you know what caused every house in Maui to burn down last year (except those who had painted their roofs blue!) – all to get poor people off of prime real estate! Its ALL climate manipulation not CC. And that tsunami that destroyed a nuclear plant in Japan leaking radioactivity into the pacific? = payback for Japan selling nuclear material to Iran!
    7. Surprise surprise the ever-changing activity of our sun is what REALLY causes our ever-changing climate… & its now entering a cooling cycle – so those "climategate" frauds are gonna have to spin even more lies at ya!

    …And there's many many more! – But you shouldn't just take my word for all of this, & you don't have to… if you look beyond the mainstream/paid/bribed media – theres a whole world of truth out there (& a few lies to watch out for of course, but far less than your currently being spoonfed!) Because that lot above is merely "the tip of the iceberg" & its not melting, its a rapidly growing iceberg, and YOU, me & most people WILL suffer if more people don't pretty soon realize what a MASSIVE pack of lies we're being fed!

    Why do they do this? Because people in fear are much easier to manipulate & deceive, and will even trade in their precious rights in exchange for some "security". And MMCC doesn't just put you in fear, does it? It comes with an extra bonus (for them) because its also laced with "guilt" too – private/silent/rarely spoken of negative thoughts turned inwards against the self. Because every little thing we do generates carbon, even just lying down still – meaning WE are THE enemy! So you'll do whatever they ask of you, to do "your bit" right? – Wrong! Because its all based upon a huge pack of lies & deceptions – so, wake up, and finally you'd best know this –
    In 2020 there were really very few "excess deaths." But since the 2021 roll-out of "vaccines" they have remained stubbornly high, at 10%-20% across the heavily vaxxed nations – a steady flow of younger deaths from heart issues, blood clots, "turbo cancers" & more, that are easily dismissed as "natural". In Japan its got so bad they've declared it a "national emergency" & linked it to those who are vaccinated, for which the health minister has apologised to the nation on TV – which is also news that has been subjected to a news blackout by our BBC & corp media across the west! But you will find a r-u-m-b-l-e of it on the net if you look.

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