Plans revealed to build small nuclear power plants in South Wales

Plans revealed to build small nuclear power plants in South Wales

by GDW312

  1. These small reactors are the way ahead. Very very safe and effective, like the ones they use in nuclear submarines.

  2. As far as I’m aware no commercial, small modular reactor has yet been built.

    Not that the concept might not be a good route forward for increasing electricty generation capacity and reducing CO2 emissions but politicians, who almost exclusive don’t have even basic STEM qualifications, need to treat the concept rather more cautiously than they are currently.

  3. The U.K., and particularly Wales is ideal for nuclear power. We’ve got an abundance of water, geologically extremely stable, politically very stable, our work standards are some of the highest in the world and are not prone to natural disasters. The irony is the political stability and high work standards come as a result of strict bureaucratic system which then drive the cost up.

    Hopefully SMRs can help deal with some of that cost issue, but if we want to meet net zero then nuclear has to be part of the solution.

  4. Great idea. Energy independence would be a fantastic goal.

    Interestingly in leaked documents (Wikileaks, US embassy communications), an energy independent Wales was a huge worry for the Westminster government. Also Wales is restricted in how much capacity it is allowed to build for these reasons.

  5. Cant help but think that a number of small nuclear sites is ideal for Wales. We have the right geography for Nuclear power (lots of water, no earthquakes, no natural disaster blowing in of the sea) and a nation that’s slowly de-industrializing which means a lot of skilled workers going spare that need retraining and communities that would benefit from the fairly extensive trail of associated businesses and industries Nuclear power leaves.

    The only counter caveat is what do we do with the extras, We are already a massive energy exporter but the nature of the national grid means we don’t really see a penny extra in budgets for the Senedd for it or money off out own bills. Building more PowerStation’s in Wales where the energy profits just disappear into the national grid that continue to leave energy bills highest in the places that produce it and The people that have to live with the PowerStation (because lets be honest no PowerStation is nice to have in a local area) see no material benefit for even at the national level would just be a repeat of old mistakes

  6. Absolutely fantastic, more nuclear will be the way to go aaaand the metric everyone cares about… jobs.

  7. Why though? We already generate around twice the electricity we need. And with plans for more “electric mountains” (à la Dinorwig) to fill in for the times when the wind isn’t blowing and hydro is low, there doesn’t seem to be much point to me.

    If it’s because we are going to export it to England, then it seems to me it would be better to put the stations where they’re needed. That way you don’t have the infrastructure issues, extra pylons across the countryside, line loss due to distances, etc.

    And then you have to ask, like all the other things we export, who actually benefits from this?

  8. I like this.

    But: Wales already has a shit ton of energy production. To the point we curtail incredible amounts.

    How about we bring the industry that uses it over too?

  9. Why not on Anglesey as well? Wales really could lead the way here and become a powerhouse (see what I did there)

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