NATO Vs Russia War Inevitable? Poland Dares Putin, Declares ‘War If…’ | Details

NATO Vs Russia War Inevitable? Poland Dares Putin, Declares ‘War If…’ | Details

Poland dares Russia with yet another threat, saying it will target all important strategic locations within minutes if Putin dared to attack any NATO nation. Former Polish defence head said Poland is currently buying 800 missiles with a range of 900 kms and will not hesitate to target St. Petersburg. Watch.

#russia #ukraine #putin #zelensky #poland #nato

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  1. Why all these small former Soviet states are all up in arms against Russia 🇷🇺 🤔 don't be stupid Russia is your big brother 🙄 😂😂😂

  2. Pauvre pologne ! Vous ne feriez pas le poids devant la puissante russie même si elle a beaucoup d’armement obsolète ! La russie pourrait vous réduire en cendres avec quelques missiles nucléaires 😢

  3. Печально, что Путин настолько психически слаб и настолько одержим идеей присоединения Украины к своему королевству, что готов начать Третью мировую войну против НАТО, в которое входят 32 страны. Он настолько сумасшедший, что угрожает применить ядерное оружие, чтобы добиться своего, как избалованный ребенок. Ему плевать ни на свой народ в России, ни на людей в мире. он угрожает Западу в Европе ядерным оружием. Он психопат и не понимает, что у него в два раза больше ядерных ракет и ядерных бомб США и НАТО в Москве и России, поэтому Россия будет уничтожена навсегда, и вся земля будет уничтожена навсегда из-за сумасшедшего лидера. Он лжет своему народу в России и использует свой собственный новостной канал, чтобы люди изображали себя героем.

  4. War in Poland is unlikely to occur and is not being planned. When considering a scenario of full-scale war on Polish territory, we must look at it from the perspective of the global economy and modern civilizational realities. Such a conflict, in today's globalized world, would have catastrophic consequences, not only for Poland and the region but also for the entire world.

    1. Economic catastrophe in Europe and worldwide:

    Poland is now integrated into the global economy, serving as a key logistical, transit, and important trading partner within the European Union and, more broadly, on a global scale. An invasion, destruction of infrastructure, and regional destabilization would have immediate and serious economic repercussions.

    Disruption of supply chains:

    Poland, being a key transportation hub in Europe, would become a place where global supply chains are disrupted in the event of an invasion. This especially concerns the supply of energy, goods, industrial materials, and technology. The disruption of these chains would have an immediate impact on production across Europe and other continents.

    Energy market collapse:

    Poland plays a crucial role in supplying gas and oil to Europe. Attacks on energy infrastructure (pipelines, refineries, power plants) would lead to a sharp increase in energy prices worldwide. The destruction of pipelines, power plants, or transmission infrastructure would paralyze energy supplies not only to Poland but also to many neighboring countries, especially in Central Europe.

    Bankruptcy and economic collapse:

    War would mean the loss of billions in international investments in Poland, and the destruction of key industries (including technology, automotive, and food production) could trigger a wave of bankruptcies on a global scale. Major corporations with factories in Poland would lose markets, which could spark a global economic crisis.

    Impact on the EU:

    Poland is one of the main beneficiaries and participants in the European Union's single market. War on its territory could trigger a financial crisis in the Eurozone, weakening the economies of many countries, especially Germany and France, which are Poland's main trading partners. The entire EU could be pushed into recession.

    2. Humanitarian crisis and refugee wave:

    A full-scale war would trigger a massive wave of refugees from Poland. Contemporary humanitarian infrastructure, though better than in the mid-20th century, is not prepared to accommodate millions of people in a short period.

    Refugee wave:

    It is estimated that the war could force millions of Poles to flee, causing a major migration crisis in Europe. Refugees from Poland could arrive in neighboring countries, primarily Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, or Scandinavian countries, putting pressure on the social systems and immigration policies of these nations.

    Social and political destabilization in Europe:

    Such a humanitarian crisis would not only pose logistical problems but also political ones. Countries accepting refugees could experience internal turmoil, rising xenophobia, and social tensions, which would weaken European Union unity. Populist political forces, which might gain strength from such tensions, could seek to weaken international institutions.

    3. Destruction of digital and technological infrastructure:

    Modern civilization is built on advanced digital management systems. Poland, a leader in implementing digital solutions in public administration and the economy, would lose vast amounts of investment and technological advancements.

    Cyberattacks and IT infrastructure destruction:

    Armed conflict would also involve cyberattacks on state and economic management systems. The destruction of energy, banking, and communication networks could paralyze not only Poland but also impact European and global management systems. Attacks on internet and telecommunications infrastructure could affect global internet connections and international trade.

    Loss of investment in digitalization:

    Poland, as an emerging leader in digital technology, has attracted numerous investments in the IT sector. The destruction of digital and logistical infrastructure would result in long-term losses for international investors and companies operating in Poland, which could affect global technology markets.

    4. Destruction of the European security system

    An invasion of Poland would directly undermine the European security system, based on NATO and international cooperation. A war in Poland would not only be a tragedy for the country itself but also a trigger for a broader escalation of conflict, involving other European and global nations.

    NATO drawn into war:

    Poland, as a NATO member, could count on the alliance's support, which would lead to an open conflict with Russia. Such a war would mean global conflict escalation, the outcome of which would be difficult to predict, with the possibility of fighting spreading to other European countries.

    Risk of nuclear weapons use:

    Russia, in the face of military failures or as a deterrent to the West, might consider using nuclear weapons, which would spell a global catastrophe. Any nuclear attack, even a limited one, would have enormous consequences for the entire world, including ecological, political, and economic impacts.

    5. Global political destabilization:

    A war in Poland, especially on a large scale, would impact the entire global balance of power. Increased tensions in Central and Eastern Europe could ignite other conflicts worldwide while simultaneously weakening the West's ability to respond to other crises.

    Weakening of global institutions:

    The war would destabilize the UN, NATO, and other international institutions, which would be burdened with attempts to end the conflict. The number of regional conflicts would also increase, as the world would focus its attention on Europe.


    Sparking a war on Polish territory, as sometimes depicted in propaganda narratives, would be catastrophic not only for Poland itself but for the entire world. The global economy, functioning like interconnected vessels, would experience a deep recession. War would lead to enormous humanitarian, economic, and political losses, with destabilization on a global level affecting all countries.

  5. It's quite a pitty that no amount of money or equipment could help Ukraine from loosing the war it can only prolong it the only solution is negotiations to avoid more loss of territories.

  6. Poolish political puppets would shit themselves (pun intended) if Russia really wanted Polish territory which they don't. Why would Russia want the responsibility of financing this country again !!!!

  7. The little hipocryte thinks having Russia on NATIs border is a problem but Russia "had no say" in NATO on its border!
    NATI is getting the embarrassment of being exposed as a joke.

  8. This so called arrogant brainless Finland President he’s more stupid as he sounds . Poland don’t let USA full you with a few weapons and employ promises. They will back stab you like no other . USA don’t care about Poland or any European countries. They will sacrifice all Europe before any off the bombs or weapons will pound on USA ‘s soil.

  9. Russia cant even beat Ukraine it would be total stupidity to start a war with Nato Russias military has been weakened severely 650000 dead or wounded russian soldiers 1000s and 1000s of military equipment destroyed Only a fool would attempt this But no one said putin was very smart Destroying his country from the inside out as we speak

  10. I think this polish leader is just trying to get attention. Russia has always known it would mean war if it attacked a NATO nation. Otherwise it would have attacked one long before now. But Russian people think more realistically about the consequences of a nuclear war. They are not willing to put the whole world at risk. Russia experienced doing WW2 what it’s like to lose millions of innocent people. It’s a pain no country can ever forget. If NATO nations are so afraid of being attacked by Russia. Why in the world, did they sit back and allow NATO to expand their borders right up to the Russian borders?. If Russia is the big bad evil bully country, we have been told it is all of our lives, why would you want to be right next door to it?. Ukraine should have wanted to stay a neutral country. If they had, thousands of people, that are now dead, would still be alive.

  11. Always considered Indian People as smart and driven for knowledge, education… yet.., even taking into account ruSSian trolls I am astonished how many ppl here is shocked of Polish policy towards Russia. Maybe I was thinking wrong…

  12. Подсчитать точную сумму, которую наша страна вложила в восстановление Польши после Второй мировой войны, сложно, тем более что СССР.Так, расходы на содержание Войска Польского, формируемого в СССР, к январю 1945 г. составили 723 млн руб. Тогда же в освобождённую Варшаву было направлено 60 тыс. тонн хлеба, 100 тонн сахара и 50 тонн сухофруктов — в качестве подарка. Кроме того, СССР взял на себя обеспечение 50% расходов по плану восстановления Варшавы.
    В Курске вы уже отметились

  13. You sure Nato? Very arrogant of you. First you provoked and back up Ukraine against Russia, now you want to take on Russia. Peace is never by force or strength. And Nato represent peace????

  14. 👉Don't worry.. America has 2 biggest superheroes, one is Winnie-The-Pooh🧸🐻 and the other is Spiderman🕷️..
    Yesterday the Pentagon had given a statement that Winnie-the-Pooh🧸 🐻 will protect the entire USA and Spiderman🕷️ will wrap the nuclear bomb💣 in his spider web🕸️..
    US President Biden says that the people of America do not need to be afraid.. President Biden has appealed to the public to pay as much tax as possible, so that more honey🍯🍯can be bought for Winnie-the-Pooh..

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