UN-Friedenstruppen im Libanon werden der israelischen Forderung nicht nachgeben, „der Gefahr aus dem Weg zu gehen“

UN-Friedenstruppen im Libanon werden der israelischen Forderung nicht nachgeben, „der Gefahr aus dem Weg zu gehen“


  1. This is not to justify or ignore any intentional attacks on them (if that is occurring)

    But literally why do they want to be there? What are they even doing right now?

  2. So UNIFIL peacekeepers:

    1. Make no effort to actually do their job of keeping Hezbollah away from the border with Israel.

    2. Stand by while Hezbollah fires rockets at Israeli civilians and plans an invasion of Israel and mass murder.

    3. Let Hezbollah terrorists operate right next to UNIFIL forces.

    4. Refuse to leave their positions so IDF can do UNIFIL’s job.

    5. Cry that evil Israel is making unreasonablre demands and putting UNIFIL peacekeepers at risk.

    Yeah, sounds on par with the rest of the UN’s open terrorism support.

  3. Funny how they had zero issues leaving when Egypt wanted them to leading up to the Six Day War.

  4. Why does anyone still bother with UNIFIL, they have never achieved anything significant only in minor conflicts that did not involve states but rather rogue militias either fighting each other or abusing civilians.

  5. They better be paid a fuckton of money because there’s no way in hell I’d want to be one. Every day you’re surrounded by terrorists and a country that will kill you if you stand in its way, yet the orders from above are to stay put instead of getting the fuck out. There’s no peace there, so why would peacekeepers even be stationed?

  6. Well don’t come crying when you die protecting terrorists.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  7. Am I stupid to think peace keepers are currently in a war zone shows how little they can actually help a situation that requires both sides to actually want peace.

  8. They are merely becoming tools in Hezbollah’s “human shield” tactics. It’s embarrassing enough that they failed for years to prevent those fanatics from attacking Israel from the ‘demilitarized’ zone, and now they’re even trying to hinder Israel from defending itself. The UN is increasingly becoming a sad joke and terror organisation sidekick.

  9. I hope the IDF gets dragged to court for attacking peacekeeping forces. It’s simply shameful and there’s no excuse for it.

  10. Damn, these people are being used as pawns for the UN’s game against Israel. Sucks for everyone involved except HA and Iran I guess.

  11. So many of you really have no idea what Peacekeepers do. Very, very rarely are the involved with peace MAKING. They KEEP peace.

  12. No matter what your opinions or agenda, pro-Israel or anti zionism – you can’t deny these are pure Politic actions

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