How to trigger a Trump supporter

Posted by Thumbs0fDestiny

  1. I can guarantee you 100% that if you do this and you are recorded/go viral, an american nazi will hunt you down with their guns.

  2. When they were filming, the town fathers didn’t want to display Nazi flags during filming. The producers offered to use historical footage (of the Austrians welcoming the Nazis) and they relented.

  3. A Trump supporters argument for Nazis being at their Trump rally: “You can’t control who shows up.”

    But I can’t help but notice that Nazis aren’t showing up at both candidate’s rallies. Only one of them. If they were showing up at Harris rallies, I’d need to stop and ask myself why.

  4. This is actor Christopher Plummer playing Captain Von Trapp in “The Sound of Music.” The Nazis were trying to force him back into military service.
    He and his family escaped into Switzerland after winning a singing contest. One of the longest playing movies in the theater of all time.

  5. MAGA isn’t racist, it’s sad that it’s all we have, everyone’s waiting for Kamala to be exceptional! And all we have is Trump is Hitler chant. This why we are going to lose. Can we stop now ! we need a different angle.

  6. The hills are alive with the sound of music. Or rather trumps town hall in Pennsylvania was because he glitched as usual and couldn’t answer any questions.

  7. It’s def the other way around LOL. DEMS are actually the TRUE COMMIES. But your too Ignorant to see it.

  8. Ask Trump if he can condemn those who wave around Nazi paraphernalia. You’d get, to coin a phrase, a damning non-answer.

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