German Foreign Minister is open to sending German military to Gaza to ensure peace

German Foreign Minister is open to sending German military to Gaza to ensure peace

by Noxava

  1. Thats idiotic, German soldiers would be treated like enemy occupation forces by locals, that means a lot of attacks and casualties.

  2. Good. This conflict would never get resolved without an international force to do the rebuilding, create jobs and proper education institutions, and de-Hamasify Gaza.

  3. The Bundeswehr is neither able nor willing to carry out such a mission. This has already been made clear in recent months.
    I don’t know why she’s bringing out this demand again. Apart from in her own bubble, she won’t score any points with the German population.

  4. Would never happen but it’s called political posturing. it’s quite tragic the way they use people suffering for their own political gain.

  5. Nice gesture, but not completely thought out. Western countries are seen as “the enemy” despite all the aid send to Gaza and paid for by the West. Seems to me an Arabic country which is on good terms with Israel would be more suited to become peace-keepers in Gaza.

    For example Egypt. They occupied it before and that went very well. /s

  6. It’s not within her power to decide that. We have a parliamentary army. And she only has 11 months left in office anyway.

  7. Germany is not neutral in this conflict, they are highly pro-Israelis. What’s the point if it’s to replace the current occupiers with one of their beat supporters ?
    Ireland and Spain would fit more into any such action, but they would rightly argue that Palestinians have right to a state of their own, without foreign interference.

  8. There’s already an international peacekeeping mission in Lebanon and they’re doing a fine job keeping the peace

  9. At least she’s putting money where her mouth is with what is an attempt at a solution, as naive as it may be

    That’s more than most European countries have been doing except showing “concern”

  10. This never worked anywhere in the past couple of centuries. Military peacekeeping is one of the biggest lies there is. There is only one way: irradicating all terrorists under comparibly huge losses in the allied forces and 0 collateral damage (because colleterals ALWAYS create new extremists). Western countries would have to flood Gaza and Lebanon with millions of forces, take losses and maintain Hearts and Minds in never before seen dimensions. The only other thing that could work is letting the entire middle east experience what Europe experienced from 1914 to 1945. Which means tenths of millions of dead, but it might irradicate the majority of extremists and mentally vaccinate the population.

  11. How about to limit the weapons you send israel and pressure them away from their plan to eradicate the palestinians? 

    30% of weaponry israel is killing civilians with are made by germany. Send to a leadership that is not worthy of support. 

    You can embargo them fast into obedience. 
    They lack interceptors and any weakness would be exploited fast by Iran or Hezbollah. 

    If Israel knows that they can do how they please and the arms will be shipped why would they change their behavior?

  12. If she only could send the same troops to pacify the domestic islamists in her own country 💪🏻

  13. Doubt but also, why? 

    If you cannot help Ukraine, which faces both a clear black and white problem and solution, what business do you have wasting resources on a vicious and also endless race war? 

  14. Does she really not understand that by taking such a step, the Germans will turn against the Jews with weapons?
    And the Arabs won ‘t want to see the Germans either .
     There is too much historical background

  15. Remember that one of the actors in the conflict has a highly sophisticated public influence programme that is very much present on Reddit.

    Do not believe **anything** you reading unless *you* *yourself* can verify it with independent and reliable sources.

  16. As a german all I can say is no thanks. Not our problem and for once we should keep the hell away from this.

  17. They sure israel not just gonna bomb them too? I mean they didnt care about other collateral damage. Plenty journalist and first aid workers were bomb.

  18. It is hypothetical and it will remain hypothetical. Scholz will never agree to this. A military mission for the german army will only result in an electoral fallout for the goverment parties at the next election. Their polls will get worse then they are now. Sending the Bundeswehr to a war zone is highly unpopular.

  19. Didn’t the German ambassador have to speed away while getting get rocks thrown at his car by Palestinians last year? This is an all fart no poo kind of statement I’m afraid.

  20. Who could have seen them bringing the west military info Israeli business. As soon as they started putting white people in the armed forces ads again I knew this was coming.

  21. I think it’s just a populist move (attempt?) to please leftist oriented people in Germany (and outside?). I don’t see any need nor beneficial gain from this, it will just escalate and complicate things.

  22. Which military? The few soldiers running through the forest yelling “bang bang” because we don’t produce anything?

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