High Job Growth for Foreign-Born vs. Low Growth for Native-Born in the U.S.

High Job Growth for Foreign-Born vs. Low Growth for Native-Born in the U.S.


by EconomySoltani

  1. There was a class action against some silicon valley bank I want to say about hiring exclusively Indian individuals on H1B status. How much of this chart is US companies hiring abroad to employ cheap labor?

  2. The Biden job growth record is terrible, the majority are crap jobs that pay crap wages and uneducated non-citizens took them away from lower and lower-middle class Americans.

  3. I don’t know how this is surprising. People willing to move their lives across the world are go getters. We’re not getting the lazy people immigrating for the most part.

    I am sure if you looked at immigrants vs. American citizens who have moved more than 500 miles for work, those citizens would be what and what or higher than the immigrants.

  4. 2 main reasons:

    1. High cost of education in USA. Education everywhere else is significantly cheaper.

    2. Visa restrictions and the cost to move only allow only the already rich or cream of the crop in any low income country to immigrate (unless they are refugees) to USA.

  5. Let’s see – anti immigration hatred wrapped up in a pretty chart:

    1. Population growth of native born is quite low while immigration means we keep getting more immigrants – so of course employment growth is large since the population of immigrants is growing faster than the flat to negative growth of native born people.

    2. This is a rate of growth chart – the employment rate for native born high achieving Americans is already at full employment. In fact, the full economy is at full employment.

    3. We welcome immigrants who bring advanced degrees and experience – so high employment rates for that class is to be expected – and is fantastic for our economy and for our future.

    4. Immigrants are highly motivated to work – it’s work or starve – and the fact that they gave up home and family to travel thousands of miles to come here means they are fare more motivated than the avg American.

  6. I feel like a lot of people will look at this and not understand it’s a percentage change since 2005, not a reflection of who has “the jobs” native born vs foreign.

    The native born employment total is 131 million compared to 30 million non-native. This rate of employment for foreign-born workers will inevitably plateau just because there are only so many jobs–and foreign born participation rate is only 5% higher than native (67 to 62%).

    So, it’s more a reflection of a growing demand for cheap labor than any sort of displacement, which this (accurate but easily misinterpreted) graph suggests.


  7. This is all Trump’s fault.

    Trump open up the border and let in all the cheap labor.

    Biden/Harris closed up the border and that’s when everything got better for Americans.

    **Vote Trump for prison!**

  8. In my opinion it boils down to a sense of entitlement and corporate greed.
    – Native citizens want an ideal job, they feel as if the U.S is the super power and great country we make it out to be then why should their native citizens work hard?

    – Foreign citizens, have no problem taking what’s given to them because theoretically most of the time it’s a helluva lot better than where they came from.

    We have had families whose bread winners put 30 years into a company for companies to either go belly up, lay off staff, or outsource and leave the native citizens helpless.
    – The next generation in that family won’t want to work, what’s the incentive? Lose another 30 years of life and pay taxes for the government and business to say
    “Pull your boot straps and try again”


    As others have stated lack of population growth by native citizens, because of my above point. Why would I have children as a native citizen?
    – Child care is EXPENSIVE
    – Education is in shamble and a scam in some places
    – Too many rules for parents to properly parent leading to unnecessary stress
    – No government incentives for birthing and raising a model citizen who will help the future of society
    – Marriages? All incentives are gone, so why would native citizens even marry or procreate?

  9. Ummm cuz us immigrants study hard and get good grades and stay out of trouble…other wise our parents would beat up. Ah the good ole days of beatings. It certainly kept me in line. My boys now run wild. They seem more happy than I was as a child.

  10. Company hires an american engineer and sets them up for failure by not allowing them software access. They use this failure as an example of why they need to hire an H1B visa. The boss hires an H1B visa, they get the access, the knowledge, and experience in that domain and then get promoted. In a few years they get citizenship. Now they are the subject matter expert so they get the senior positions and hire more indian engineers.

    The typical redditor is decrying racism when some of us say to hire americans. I think it is important to remember we are not hating the people; the workers, who just like me are willing to move and take a job. We are blaming our politicians and corporations for creating these conditions. Americans are not as lazy as fox news wants you th think. Every year, we graduate thousands of tens of thousands of engineers, may of which are smart, motivated, industrious, and willing to move.

    It’s not that h1b visas get the job and are promoted to 500k a year positions and have millions in property and can afford to have a family with kids because they are better or more skilled workers, its simply because they have been given the opportunity.

    Anyone who has worked in white collar jobs at corporate sees this because once contractors form third party companies are included, most companies white collar workers are >50% indian

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