[OC] Deportations by U.S Presidents during their terms (1981-2020)

[OC] Deportations by U.S Presidents during their terms (1981-2020)

Posted by delivermeapizza

  1. I’d be interested to see how many estimated illegal border crossings there are as well to bette correlate this data.

  2. Fwiw, I recall reading that the legal immigration system never ran smoother in modern history than under Clinton. I think there was a period of time under Clinton when people actually got permanent status within a year of applying, and got a green card within 5 years of applying (as prescribed by law).

  3. Deporting people is expensive, ergo, the more drownable in a bathtub government is relative the the scope of its mandate, the fewer deportations will get done.

  4. Didn’t Saint Reagan also grant amnesty to a couple of million immigrants? I wonder if that factors in.

  5. Would be nice to see the inflow as it’s the percentage that matters not the actual numbers deported.

  6. Also have to consider in a modern sense how good lawyers, non profits, and organizations have become at intentionally rat fucking the immigration system to get illegal immigrants, legal status.

  7. What does the Data doubts symbol in the corner indicate? I can’t imagine why it should be there

  8. You should post this on r/conservative or r/trump and count how many seconds it takes for you to get banned 🙂

  9. This feels like incomplete information. Ostensibly speaking, if less people were trying to cross the border in the first place, and/or if they were successfully caught at the border, it stands to reason that deportations wouldn’t happen as much.

  10. This surprises people, but net illegal immigration largely ended after 9/11, when we first started to actually secure the southern border: [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/07/22/what-we-know-about-unauthorized-immigrants-living-in-the-us/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/07/22/what-we-know-about-unauthorized-immigrants-living-in-the-us/)

    Prior to the need to secure the border as part of the creation of DHS, illegal immigrants were viewed as cheap labor – a benefit to the US, and most discussions about illegal immigration were about whether or not we should do more to help them.

    People often misleadingly cite ‘border crossings’ or ‘border detainment’ instead of actual net immigration or deportation numbers. Border crossings have little to do with overall illegal immigraiton rates, as lots of the crossings are a result of migrant workers, or people who live along the border (and always have), and cross multiple times a year, but never actually emigrate. In recent years border arrests have increased, partly due to political pressures to catch every single person who illegally crosses, something we’ve never bothered with before, and partly because we have a better system of cameras and drones to catch people more easily. But like the OP data shows, deportation is way down for the simple reason that there’s no one really to deport. Most people who cross illegally aren’t staying long enough to be deported, and the rest of the illegal immigrant population are old people left over from the 90s who no one cares to go after.

  11. This is misleading. It is lacking the Biden numbers which is what everyone would compare Trump to:

    > The Biden Administration Is on Pace to Match Trump Deportation Numbers—Focusing on the Border, Not the U.S. Interior – [https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/biden-deportation-record](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/biden-deportation-record)

    So the Biden bubble would likely be at or just below the Trump bubble.

  12. “After nearly three years in office, Trump has made good on part of his promise. Between Oct. 1, 2018, and the end of September, the administration **initiated more than 419,000 deportation proceedings, more than at any point in at least 25 years**, according to government statistics compiled by Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse.” [Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/the-trump-administrations-immigration-jails-are-packed-but-deportations-are-lower-than-in-obama-era/2019/11/17/27ad0e44-f057-11e9-89eb-ec56cd414732_story.html)

    The problem was trying to deport too many, which clogged the legal system.

  13. And remember that Reagan have the Immigration Amnesty in 86, so deporting close to 5M is huge.

  14. People forget that Republicans used to be pro-immigration and Democrats were the anti-immigration party.

    Republicans were pro-business and liked the cheap labor and Democrats were the party of the working man and opposed those jobs being taken by illegal immigrants.

    “Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we’re a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier.” – Ronald Reagan

    “The excessive immigration is against the interests of the masses of all races and nationalities in the country.” – A. Philip Randolph, civil rights leader who travelled with MLK

  15. Trump (Stephen Miller) was and is much more interested in reducing legal immigration. You should show a chart here regarding the visa and citizenship throughput. However given that plus all the blood and soil lately … I’m gonna have to give him a hard pass.

  16. It’s interesting but it’s 10 points on a chart with a cropped y axis. Would probably work better as a bar chart.

  17. Fewer deportations because there were exponentially fewer crossings.

    For reference,trump had less cross in his entire presidency than Biden had cross in a single year.

  18. It should be noted the reason why Trump had the lowest deportation numbers during his presidency probably had something to do with his border policies.

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