Found these beauties today on my travels, i shall be taste testing after tea to compare to the current champion of ridge cut – Mccoys flame grilled stake – for taste and texture comparison purposes.

Anyone else tried these? They had salt & vineger and cheese & onion too.

by roxwar

  1. There was a Bullseye game I think it was on the Amiga I used to play many years ago.

  2. “So your winnings stand at £14 and I’m going to use the commercial break to count it out”

    Sweet christ Jim, what’s it in 2p coins?

    From Peter Kay, if I remember right. Made me chuckle.

  3. Ridged crisps and a bit of Bully? That’s two British institutions IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN ONE!

  4. “I understand you were convicted for a crime you didn’t commit and then found justice after 10 years of campaigning”

    “That’s right Jim”

    “Ok so for £10 what’s the Queen’s first name?”

  5. Remember the little blue prize packets in Walkers years ago?

    What would be the prizes you’d win from a packet of these?

    I’m gonna say a speedboat will be one of the grind prizes. One of the lower tier prizes is defo a teasmade.

  6. That packet better be empty, other than a bit of paper with a picture of some crisps and “HERE’S WHAT YOU COULD HAVE WON!” written in even more Comic Sans.

  7. I saw bully beer the other day in B&M…. tempted. I guess this is the next trademark to be everywhere

  8. Why the fuck are crisps named after a 30 year old darts based gameshow?

    Is this just buying the name and nostalgia farming the shit out of it? I am confuse.

    From the people who brought you Blankety Blank Brake Shoes, the Chuckle Vision Anal Bleaching Kit and Blockbuster’s Cock Duster.

  9. “We’ll just go to the break because it will take me a few minutes to count this” He’d have about 70 quid in his hand 😂


    A years supply of our steak and ale ridge cut crisps…

    It could all be yours for the throw of a dart…

  11. Never mind the speedboat, I always had my eye on the crystal decanter and glasses.

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