bratwurst & sauerkraut?

Guten tag from the UK my German cousins, am I doing bratwurst & sauerkraut correctly, I severed it with chips, garlic mayo, spicy ketchup and a bit of salad… would this be how you have it in Germany?

by PromotionSouthern690

  1. I only eat Bratwurst in a Semmel with ketchup tbh

    I’ve never seen a dish like this but as long as it tastes…

  2. The Bratwurst doesn’t look properly grilled – or if you really need it fried. If you eat them with fries and dips, you usually don’t eat Sauerkraut at all. The Ketchup would be on the dish, to wipe it with pieces of sausage, but it is lovely like this too. Salad, if had, should be in a dish aside, but never, I repeat, never under the meat or potato side.

    Wouldn’t be like any german would do it, but including the criticisms, it definitely looks nice overall. You just need to work on your bratwurst frying.

  3. Not a bad start. The sausages need more colour, leave them in the pan for a bit longer. Also, the ratioäs a bit off, needs more Sauerkraut. The Ketchup and Mayo are fine for the chips, though just some mustard or some kind of gravy would be more traditional condiments for Bratwurst.

    By the way, while I’ve grown to appreciate British sausages since moving here, they are rather different from German ones. Next time Lidl has “Alpenfest” or whatever thez call their “German” weeks, try to get some “Nürnberger Rostbratwürste” for a more traditional Franconian dish, other regions have other sausages, though, those just happen to be one of my favourites.

    As for the salad, it would usually be served on the side, as it goes warm and soggy when topped with hot sausages. Also, your common “Beilagensalat” is a bit more than just lettuce. Needs at least some slices of cucmber and some tomato wedges.

    But all of this is just if you want to get as close to traditional as possible (again, there’s no one true German dish, region and family traditions play a big part). As long as you enjooyed it, there’s nothing wrong with it, in my opinion.

  4. Sorry, but if I would get something like that in a restaurant, I would immediately send it back.

    Is there an r/wurstverbrechen sub? Similar to r/SchnitzelVerbrechen?

    Edit: there is, but it’s empty

  5. I dont think many germans eat Sauerkraut with fries or Bratwurst, other sausages for sure though. Maybe im wrong but at least i have never seen it.

  6. The Bratwurst should be dark brown, barely away from burnt. The whole outside of the sausage should be the colour of the grill marks. The only light coloured spots should be at the ends. This is an undercooked crime against Bratwurst sausages.

    The french fries and the Sauerkraut clash. Sauerkraut and Bratwurst is generally served with mashed potatoes and onion-mustard based gravy, no ketchup. Think “bangers and mash”.

    EDIT: Look at the photos on this site, [](

    Bratwurst with French Fries is a common fast food. Not a dish that most Germans would cook at home.

  7. Well there are regional variantions as always. But most commen would be in my opinion:

    * Bratwurst
    * Sauerkraut
    * Mashed potatoes (with a bit of cream, nutmeg and possibly mustard in it, but that may only be my preference)

    While chips are not uncommon with Bratwurst, they are rather uncommen with Bratwurst & Sauerkraut 🙂

  8. That Bratwurst really needs some more minutes on the grill. Damn thats looks like its still raw 🙁

  9. no

    Usually it is served without chips/fries but with mashed potatoes or Salzkartoffeln (boiled potatoes?). There is also very little Sauerkraut on your plate.

    But if you liked it that’s fine. No need for “authentic” german cuisine

  10. Are the chips just salted? They look so plain. Normally there is paprika with in the chips seasoning in Germany.

  11. As far as someone can talk about doing food the “correct” way (who the fog cares as long as you like it), no, you are not, for all the reasons mentioned.

    I would add that the Sauerkraut serving is too small, on your plate it looks more like garnish than a side dish.

    If you add mayo, that would be for the chips. Bratwurst needs mustard, maybe ketchup.

    Also, it’s too much sausage (there, I said it). A normal serving in a restaurant at home would be one, maybe two. Because, you know, need to leave some room for the Sauerkraut and beer.

    Having said all that: Did you like it? If so, who cares what the Germans say? I enjoy my “Sheperd’s pie” regardless of how horrified a Brit would probably be.

  12. This is a troll post. Please tell me this is a troll post.

    But okay. Let me humor you:

    The Bratwurst is severely undercooked.

    The salad (which doesn’t even belong on the plate ffs) isn’t even dressed and will get soggy and wilted under the heat of the (hopefully) warm bratwürste.

    The ratio between sauerkraut and bratwürste is off. My grandmother would have cuffed you round the head for having more meat than veg on your plate.

    You don’t eat fries with this dish but Salzkartoffeln or mashed potatoes. On top of that, the fries look sad, pale and soggy.

    And spicy ketchup? Really?

  13. I think even non-german would agree that it is a crime to grill something so lightly you are better off just boil it

  14. **Never seen Bratwurst and Sauerkraut together in my whole life…**

    Sorry I have to tell you, but thats not german. Try “Currywurst” or “Manta Platte” (Currywurst + Pommes + Majonaise + Ketchup).

    If you want a german Sauerkraut meal, you need “[grobe Bratwurst](” and mashed potatoes.

    edit: complete meal: [](

  15. While the Sausages really do look like they could’ve stayed a bit more on the grill, please do note that nagging is a german national sport and we legaly have to find fault with something or at least try our hardest to do so. I hope you have a nice meal <3

  16. if you keep the Sausage like that you can eat it directly in the restroom. You will spent some time in there anyway afterwards.
    The sausage needs to be brown, maybe even black (we call it Brandenburger Art)….not beige or Hazel as Google would call it.
    And putting cold salad under a hot dish is a nogo for every food. It cools your meat/sausages and destroys the salad. Mustard is what I recommend you. But kudos for doing it anyway, even though it was to trigger us germans and collect tons of karma. 🙂

  17. No. Scratch the chips. Put either cooked potatoes or mashed potatoes there. Add some thick brown sauce. Exchange the mayo with mustard. No need for salad.

  18. In Franconia, you would usually order “zwei auf kraut” and you’ll get the sausages grilled deep brown and served on top of the kraut so the fat and taste of the sausages go directly into the kraut. Next to it, you’ll have boiled potatoes with parsley, potato salad or Bratkartoffeln. Fries are not commonly eaten in combination with sauerkraut. The amount of sauerkraut would also be a lot more than in your picture.

  19. Ohhhhh. Just came back to a 20 days trip at the Bavarian region.

    I miss it sooooo much! Loved Oktoberfest and all the foods

  20. What everybody else said. Also, your Sauerkraut looks undercooked. It´s not a fast food that is just warmed up, you have to invest some time. My grandma´s recipe: fry onions and cubed bacon. When nicely browned, add chunks of cooking apples (Bramley, etc.), stir fry for a few minutes. Add Sauerkraut and cook on a very low heat for about half an hour. The Sauerkraut should no longer be sour but nearly sweet. You can add caraway seeds but my family doesn´t.

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