Trump ends town hall early, sways to music for over 30 minutes

Trump ends town hall early, sways to music for over 30 minutes

A town hall event for Donald Trump in Pennsylvania took a turn after the former president ended the event by playing his music playlist and dancing in front of the crowd. #CNN #News

  1. "A patriot is one who wrestles for the / soul of her country / as she wrestles for her own being."
    ~Adrienne Rich, "An Atlas of the Difficult World: Poems" 1988-1991" (1991)

  2. "There's a hell of a distance between wisecracking and wit. Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words."

    ~ Dorothy Parker, in Malcolm Crowley, ed., "Writers at Work" (1958)

  3. "I'll bet when you get down on them rusty knees and get to worrying God, He just goes in his privy-house and slams the door. That's what he thinking about you and your prayers."
    ~ Zora Neale Hurston, "Seraph on the Suwanee" (1948)

  4. Highly dangerous arrogant psychopathic malignant narcissistic fellonous man-child who is in serious rapid cognitive decline who is farts away on sending America & the rest of the World back to the stone age!!
    It would be most unthinkable and monstrous in actually voting for this diseased minded autocratic megalomaniac!! Especially if one managed to gain the intellect after realising what this crazed dirty diaper for brains is actually capable of atleast if left unchecked.
    He is afterall infact the biggest coward ever to run for office in the entire history of all of American democracy by far which is why would-be dictators such as him always turn out to be the biggest losers who often believe that the rules simply don't apply to them!
    And after those folk's fainted and collapsed in the audience in need of immediate medical assistance his reply was…, 'does anyone else wish to faint??' How outrageously insensitive and heartless can this guy possibly stretch??..we may never wish to find out ofcoarse he's that unhinged! Just shows you how much he really cares about his very own supporters eh??..,let alone the rest of the American people?? Now there's a complete tyrannical idiot who is completely morally bankrupt right there aswell as completely incompetent!!
    Surely by now but, that all of his supporters should now start to realise that they don't all live in Mar-a-lago?? The seed for cognitive dissonance to emerge into the abbreviation for MAGA has got to wear off sooner or later whilst more and more people wake up to what he's all about…that of himself!! This may go a long way in explaining their level of hysterically charged cognitive dissonance amongst the MAGA camp that was deliberately seeded by Trump’s use of repetitive subliminal projections upon the masses!!
    Time to wake up the MAGA towards a golden Eagle recovery from this deranged jackass!!
    Vote Harris and restore liberty and help Make America Sane Again!! Afterall the whole of a America depends on it!!

  5. Trump makes voters to feel relax and happy dancing. That is smart things to do. Trump is nonstop moving forward for camping trail. It means Trump is in good shape and very healthy. Music can make people relax and happy. Whatever Trump did CNN blame on him and says bad things about Trump Be fair CNN. Pls, keep in mind that people love Trump. Voters Know who is incapable. Our votes for Trump. By the way I grew up in the middle class. 🤣

  6. So two things about this first I watched this rally and previous to the music being played two people fainted so I think he was done taking questions after that. Secondly, the ad that Kamala is playing is referring to something he said about the election after he wins it he believes there are jihadist in the country that are going to cause trouble so having the National Guard is a great idea just like he suggested on January 6

  7. Like an Italian , I genuinely hope that US will get rid of Trump once for all so that he won't be able to embarrass and humiliate your country again . I never saw such a deranged clown in the politics of any country of the world in my life. A wise intelligent woman of justice is far more suitable for your valuable country .

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