How to open without damaging bags?

by Primary_Priority_196

  1. There is no way

    The god of bags demands a sacrifice, and they will not leave with empty hands

  2. I havent had these bags, but on dog poopbags i normally push my finger under the paper and pull up. My fingers are very small tho so idk if it works with normal sized hands lol

  3. This bag label has got to be one of the stupidest designs available. You cant open it without destroying the first one

  4. Microwave it for 3 mins. That will loosen up adhesive and you can peel off the tape without damaging the bags.

  5. I don’t know about this brand but normally I ripe it on the edge and then start unrolling the first bag using it to rip the paper. Sometimes it’s easier than others but works better than what you’re doing.

  6. Don’t try to remove the label from the roll. Check the point where the first bag starts and cut the label from that point.

    When you roll out your first bag the label should stay at the side of the bag. You can leave it or try to remove it.

  7. Find the crease in the label, and start sliding your finger underneath the label. That usually does it, as the label will start peeling off. I find the design really stupid in any case, but I guess it keeps the cost down and reduces excessive packaging waste.

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