Antisemitische Vorfälle haben in Kanada seit dem 7. Oktober um 670 % zugenommen

Antisemitische Vorfälle haben in Kanada seit dem 7. Oktober um 670 % zugenommen

  1. Justin Trudeau has condemned the violence and hate several times in the past year, and that’s about all he’s going to do about it.

  2. It has been going on for a while, and the current government liked to attribute it to “white supremacy” even when we could literally trace the origins of the antisemitism to some BS happening between Israel and Palestine. What’s noticeably changed is that the Liberals can’t even lie about it anymore.

  3. I wonder if any of the college students screaming for a Global Intifada regret any of the chants and protests they joined. Or does that only start when other minorities & lgbt get burned by this too?

  4. I like how all the comments are about the Israel/Palestine conflict. Like, how are Jews in Vancouver or Toronto responsible for that?

  5. Curious, are antisemites against people of the Jewish faith specifically or of people of the Jewish ethnicity only? Like, if a guy who’s family is entirely from Ireland decides to marry a Jewish woman and he agrees to convert to Judaism, do antisemitics go after the Ed Sheeran-looking guy AND his wife, or are they only basing this hate on her visible ethnicity?

  6. I wonder what ideology or religion could Canada have imported that explicitly calls for jewish genocide in their holy texts to justify such a spike in incidents.

  7. It’s almost like Russian/Chinese propaganda/disinformation has its roots deep within Canadian culture and media, stoking division.

    You think it’s a coincidence the conflict started on Putin’s birthday? A week after Iranian delegates went to Russia?

    It’s not as simple as “Canadians antiemetic!”

    Propaganda does a great job as portraying issues as Us vs Them, when in reality the Israel situation is FUBAR and unable to be looked at under the simple lense of a common Canadian.

  8. There should be a Charter amendment that “ if any first generation immigrant burns the Canadian flag or incites political violence against Canada they should be deported “ . I am a true Liberal but things are going too far ! Don’t bring your foreign political woes to this country. Why did you come here ? Answer : cause it’s a free country where people are treated with fair respect for the most part . These new Canadians are causing dissent and hate !

  9. You can’t fight racism with racism. 

    Antisemitism is fucking terrible. Call it out, and stand against it. 

    And, so is racism against Muslims. Call it out, stand against it. 

    Some of the comments on this post rightly said it’s bullshit to paint Jews with the same brush all around the world. That is right, and also applies to Muslims, or frankly any group of people. 

    There are wonderful people in any group. And, sadly the odd terrible person too. The terrible ones need to be told. 

  10. If you define an antisemitic incident as someone saying “Palestinians shouldn’t be massacred” then yes I believe this

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