“World Is Laughing At Our Naive, Negligent Stupidity” | Reform UK Richard Tice Furious

“World Is Laughing At Our Naive, Negligent Stupidity” | Reform UK Richard Tice Furious

The UK will be world leading in “naive stupidity” if the Government continues to close blast furnaces and put an end to British steelmaking, Reform UK’s Richard Tice has said.

The party’s deputy leader said the current state of the steel industry is a “catastrophe” and accused both the Tories and the Labour Party of “negligence”.

Tice joins Talk’s Mike Graham to talk this further.

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  1. It's wild how the steel industry is kinda getting ignored while everything else is going up in flames 🔥. Gotta wonder if they really care about the working class or just the votes 🤔. Bring back the steel! 💪

  2. During WWII, Brits had most of their foods imported from the us, but the Germans' U-boats were sinking British convoys. If I'm not mistaken, the possibility of losing the Atlantic war terrified Churchill the most. After the war, Britain decided they must be able to feed themselves, no buts or ifs. Now look at UK, relying on other countries for something simple as steel!

  3. Net zero is unachievable in the next 50 if not 100 years. Follow the £ note paper trail and you will discover what is really driving this BS. Millibands cronies set to continue making a fortune.

  4. If our prime minister lord ali is deep in with Blackrock this country is going to go SUPER WOKE. The company embeds DEI into all of there "investments".
    They heavily invest in the gaming industry and force the agenda into the companies and games. It's destroying the game companies as nobody is buying the games.

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