Nordkoreanische Truppen werden sich der russischen Armee anschließen, während Pjöngjang „vollständig in den Krieg eintritt“.

Nordkoreanische Truppen werden sich der russischen Armee anschließen, während Pjöngjang „vollständig in den Krieg eintritt“.

  1. The response should be at least equal or comparable. Over 10 thousand enlisted troops from other countries should be able to join Ukraines fight against fascism 

  2. Interesting to see how ROK reacts to this.

    USA isnt gonna allow it with a ten pole, but there’s long range missiles in Hyunmoo that Ukraine could use.

  3. So North Korea is invading a European country and what are western leaders going to do about it? If they had any balls they would tell Kim Jong Un that his 20 or 30 nuclear weapons are not going to help him because we’re going to stick them up his f n ass.

  4. so it’s like Putin bought some humans from NK. Poor guys they about to experience other countries problem.

  5. From The Telegraph:

    A battalion of 3,000 North Korean soldiers will shortly join Russian troops in fighting Ukraine, marking Pyongyang’s full entry into [the war](

    Intelligence sources said the unit has been secretly training in Russia’s Far East ahead of deployment as part of a Russian airborne regiment.

    “They are called the Buryat Battalion,” a senior Ukrainian military source told [Politico]( Buryatia is a remote region of Russia bordering Mongolia that the Kremlin has targeted heavily for military recruitment.

    The Kyiv Independent quoted another Western intelligence source claiming that [North Korea]( had sent 10,000 soldiers to join the Russian army.

    Presenting his “victory plan” to Ukraine’s parliament on Wednesday, [Volodymyr Zelensky]( said Vladimir Putin and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un were now a “coalition of criminals”.

    “This is the participation of the second state in the war against Ukraine on the side of Russia,” he said.

    It comes after Russian forces last week launched a counterattack against a Ukrainian invasion into their southern Kursk region.

    Ukrainian officials had talked up the [Kursk invasion]( in August as a “strategic masterstroke” but the Institute for the Study of War said that it may have inadvertently dragged North Korea into the war.

    The US-based think tank said that the Kremlin would “justify” sending North Korean soldiers into battle when the Russian parliament ratified a deal with its ally to provide mutual military support if either was attacked. This is expected within days.

    The two-and-a-half-year-long war has become a battle of attrition with supply lines and military recruitment likely to prove key to victory.

    North Korea has been sending [artillery shells and missiles to Russia]( but this would be the first time that its soldiers will have gone into battle.

    The announcement comes after six [North Korean officers were killed]( by a Ukrainian artillery attack on a Russian position in occupied Donetsk this month, according to South Korea.

    Analysts said that although the quality of North Korean troops would be poor, the numbers would represent a boost for Russia.

    “It’s tragic to see Ukraine’s partners offering support as if they are playing some academic simulation based on theory, while Russian allies just throw in military force to help Russia win,” said Phillips O’Brien, professor of strategic studies at St Andrews University.

  6. Headline from the near future: North Korean troops surrender to escape North Korea. “Probably.”

  7. The closest analogy I can think of here is sending the cast of the Muppets to play in Death of a Salesman or King Lear. Good luck with that guys. I’m sure more North Koreans will use this as an opportunity to run away than pull an actual trigger.

  8. If we haven’t authorized the use of longer distance munitions we sure as fuck should now. Give these fresh recruits a nice dose of reality when they hit the battlefield. 

  9. I wonder if SK would be interested in joining or donating their military assets since they are still technically at “war” with NK.

  10. They don’t have the logistics to do this in meaningful numbers. How are they going to feed, clothe, and house the tens of thousands of NK troops it would take to matter?

  11. Great. Now the NK army can actually earn some of those medals they like to march around with in their dress uniforms. lol

  12. so does this constitute an act of war by NK meaning their country is ripe for legitimate attack?

  13. What has Russia given in exchange….that’s the question. 10k north Korean troops isn’t going to make the deciding factor of this war but what Russia has given north Korea…and Iran for that matter.

  14. 3,000-10,000 soldiers? Definitely not to be taken lightly on Ukraine‘s end, but also not a major effort from North Korea to help their fellow despot just yet.

  15. Imagine if the US invaded Mexico and then needed help from Canada….LOL what a joke of an army

  16. Bad choice for the Kim dynasty. Allowing their men to spend time outside NK is going to fully expose them to how much better other societies are. Even Ukraine warzones are a better place to live than rural NK

  17. This is a huge deal. NK is invading a European country. The headline should be:

    #north Korea invades Europe

  18. Imagine asking North Korea to bail you out? That’s like drafting a middle schooler into the NFL because all your players are injured and you have no money.

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