State Department Spokesperson Pressed On North Korea Sending Soldiers To Ukraine To Fight For Russia

State Department Spokesperson Pressed On North Korea Sending Soldiers To Ukraine To Fight For Russia

During Tuesday’s State Department Press Briefing, Spokesperson Matthew Miller answered reporter questions on the DPRK sending soldiers to fight in Ukraine.

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  1. Scholz is probably apologizing to the North Koreans for having to send troops to Ukraine.
    Really didn't think Germany wants to be a part of Soviet Union 2.0.

  2. Concern for what? 32 countries against one, and you are concerned with one country helping Russia? Stupid thinking.. Russia is winning in Ukraine, and you talk about casualties in Russians soldiers? You are a fool.

  3. Of course North Korean soldiers are in Ukraine. In the Korean War soviet pilots flew in North korean jets & they were known as haunchos. If shot down their comrades would kill them on their parachutes to maintain the secret. North Korean troops will be used similarly to Wagner soldiers.

  4. 1963, U.S.:" Russia, you must get those nukes out of Cuba! Too close to our shores!"
    Russia today:" N.A.T.O., you must never let Ukraine be part of N.A.T.O. because of nukes!"
    N.A.T.O.:" No way!"
    But, N.A.T.O members signed the Budapest Memorandum. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. Why is it Ukraine vs Russia AND North Korea? Plus weapons from Iran, China and NK?

    While the west trades with Russia through other countries like India or neighbouring countries with Russia.

  6. NATO does not have boots on the ground. There are veterans from NATO countries that have voluntarily gone to help UK. If NK is fighting for Putin, Putin will owe Kim big time.

  7. so what! the usa and nato israel sent soldiers to fight with ukrane against Russia! the USA nato are dying with petro dollar! we have a new world order and banking system the brics

  8. Sounds like theyโ€™re going to use Georgia to rig the election. They keep talking about โ€œfair electionsโ€ like theyโ€™re projecting their agenda

  9. Why hasn't Israel sent soldiers to Ukraine in the past? Why hasn't Israel intelligence rooted out Hamas over the last 30+ years? Why hasn't the CIA? Why hasn't NATO intelligence removed the same nonsense in the middle east?

  10. I see the pootin puppets talking about who is "winning". Winning what exactly? russia needs no more land. They are in demographic collapse. Ukraine was no threat to the russian people. There are no "winners" in the mad desire of one man wishing to build some empire for his own ego.

  11. We've heard things like this for decades. No, DPRK will continue to be a "rogue" nation -but is it really? They are protected by big brother China and is the only reason why DPRK is still existing as a nation on its own. Although DPRK has and will continue to send soldiers to Ukraine war know that they are a gate-way for the Chinese army to also join in officially in the war anytime between now and the next few years. There will be an expansion of the war beyond Ukraine. This war was predicted several years ago. Countries in scandinavia among others will be experiencing war time situations from the East in the coming years.

  12. If US is not right now run by fools how are the sanctions working? Only a fool would be kept doing the same foolishness expecting different results. US can have more than 30 countries sending military forces to Ukraine but when Russia does it , itโ€™s a sign of desperation? Applying the same rational, US must be very desperate than Russia, right? Oh! I was thinking as if they are intelligent enough to rationalize that logic ๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚โ€ฆ

  13. In order for this to work for them north korea china and iran and russia need to put whatever differences aside and work on there main goal Together if they separate they will be defeated

  14. Worst yet to come! Zelensky in his โ€œpeace speechโ€ openly talked about having an escalation with Russia, he wants a big war where Americans will install American bases in Ukraine , he wants American weapons be able to bomb anywhere in Russia , he wants a global nuclear war! He supported Linsay Graham narrative when Graham openly said that the war in Ukraine is for Ukrainian and Russian natural resources! Not the democracy! Not for freedom of Ukrainians and peace , but for Ukrainian natural resources!!! Thatโ€™s why we had wars in all other countries, for resources , removing local governments and installing poppets who would obey American government elite . Zelensky without the war is illegitimate clown , no money , no war . He is the biggest threat to the world ! Who wants to die in Ukraine to protect financial interests of corrupt politicians? Your kids?

  15. It is not like NATO is not sending there soldiers to also fight and die in this War. There has been several news reports stating French, English, and American foreign soldiers having been killed in Missile attacks. Also , numerous reports of Polish and Georgian soldiers killed in action.

  16. It is not a desperation move by the Russians, – it means North Korea has joined the war fighting NATO. We wait to see how fast America will run like they did in Afghanistan.

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