

by xariababyxx74

  1. I’m not British, but am wondering about how people that are see Brexit right now. From an outside perspective (Czech) it looked like a bad choice than and seems to only be confirmed. Does it have any positives for the average person?

  2. I especially love the part where people who never set foot in the UK and they live in an EU country tell how good we did leaving the EU.

  3. We are free from decisions affecting us being made by Brussels but unfortunately what should have been a new beginning was fumbled by the Tory government.

    Best way to put it the EU was handcuffs on Britain’s wrists and to remove the handcuffs we had to cut off our hands and stitch them back on but the government just sat there watching the country bleed out and did f*** all, if that makes sense.

    So now we’re in this situation where we’re out of the EU but still following EU laws, out of the EEA but made no deals to compensate.

    And now what are we left with? Remainers using the only power they have, wearing EU flags at the Last Night of Proms pretending a concert hall full of people who spent hundreds of pounds to be there is a reflection of how the country has changed it’s mind.

    Just one big f*** up tbh.

  4. The funniest thing is that there’s been a massive surge in immigration after brexit so all the nationalists didn’t get what they wanted. Plus now food is more expensive as well.

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