Bodycam footage showing build up to police brawl leaked. Thoughts?

Wara li rajt il-filmat … taf li nemmen li l-maggiornza tat-tord hija tal-pulizija ? X'tahsbu intom?

Nahseb li gab ruhu ta' hamallu u f'dak il-mument kull ma kien bniedem arroganti li inzerta kien liebes l-kostum ta' pulizija. Kwalunkwe pulizija iehor dicenti kien jevita s-sitwazzjoni milli tigri (bhal ma kien qed jipprova jaghmel ta' mieghu).

Jien biss nahseb hekk jew ?

by thunderbirdsetup

  1. Been following the trial a little and it feels very strange that they’re trying to make it as if the police spoke “disrespectfully” to the defendant and that give them some kind of excuse to start fighting the police, that would be out of the question in my country, regardless of how much of an asshole the police acts, you either shut up or you’re gonna get punished harder for being cocky. That the police made jokes or behaved like an ass during the incident just wouldn’t be a topic at all in the trial, he might get told off by his boss but you punch a cop and you’ll go to jail for it, no excuse.

  2. I couldn’t easily find it, but in the first article the Times had on the hearing, they (I think the defence during cross examination) asked the policeman on the stand if they’d had training on de-escalation / conflict resolution and he said no

    He could be making it up, but I also wouldn’t put it past being the case. It would probably not have been too difficult to calm the situation down with proper training, but I’m also saying this from the comfort of my home. Consider they had 3 tough guys bearing down on them in what is arguably a rough part of town, at night. The police tried to intimidate them to obviously get them to back off – I don’t think the police wanted to get into a fight that they would no doubt lose.

    Even if there was provocation, there is no excuse for escalating to violence. They could have come out of it bigger men and used the excuse of poor behaviour from the police to get any citations removed at a brief tribunal. Now they’re basically doomed, there is no way any judge will let this slide

  3. The guy just started touching the police even after he told him not to. really dont think its the police guys fault, play stupid games, win stupud prizes

  4. In what world is violence against a policeman ok? He might not have handled it in a professional way, but that does not give a mob the right to beat a policeman up.

  5. The police had zero deescalation skills. Isn’t it clear that they were poking the police first and reaction? Why would you entertain it.

    No wonder the police are not armed.

  6. There’s no shared blame here. Rule one, you don’t disrespect police officers or, in my opinion, any authoritative figure upholding the law.

    You might think it’s cool to call them pigs or any other slur, and maybe the first officer could have maintained his cool for longer, but I’m pretty sure you’d have shit your pants if it were you doing their job. These aren’t your average Joe’s they’re dealing with. These people are actively looking for a confrontation.

    Keep in mind that police officers are normal people with families, risking their lives for shit pay to maintain order in our society.

  7. They were parked illegally. Baxxi rasek, ghalaq halqek u Hu il multa. Ghalfejn hafna paroli u lob Bil kliem? Haqqhom il Habs

  8. Laqqas li ma kienx ovvju mill-body language li kienu mejtin ghal glieda, u dak il-kuntistabbli naqra iblah iparla fil-vojt tahom l-iskuza. Dawn nies qziez li ilhom jahsbu li jistghu jaghmlu li jridu ghax hemm min jilqalhom.

  9. Mill ftit li naf tort ta tnejn li huma. Pero li kiku kont jien floku ma kontx se naqbad niggieled zgur. Jaf kien bin nervi min qabel ma dahal xoghol u sab lil dan li waqaflu.

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