According to Google, “cheese eating surrender monkey” is a common insult here

by Omecarrot

  1. It’s a quote from Groundskeeper Willy in The Simpsons. Of course he says it, because the French are a bunch of cheese-eating surrender monkeys.

  2. I rarely jump to the defence of the french, but they’ve been involved in more wars than any other modern country and won two thirds of them. Few can boast stats like that.

  3. It’s how I’ve described the french for as long as I can remember, I don’t know its origins, though.

  4. If you want a laugh I’d recommend asking Chat GPT to invent some new British insults. My favourites were ‘You soggy bag of chips’ and ‘You absolute crumpet snatcher’!

  5. Not so much these days… it’s a reference to the french being overwhelmed early in the second world war… not their fault really, as most of the allies we’re caught on the hop (turned a blind eye to the threat of German re-armament prior to war breaking out).

  6. My mates used to use the insult >! “ass licking, cock sucking masterbating fanny” !< 🤣

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