Starmer abruptly refutes Sunak’s probing and sits down in tense exchange

Starmer abruptly refutes Sunak’s probing and sits down in tense exchange

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer responded to a question from Rish Sunak by abruptly answering and sitting down.

The Tory leader asked the Prime Minister why he halted the implementation of the Foreign Influence Registration Scheme, a new system of registration and monitoring to protect the UK from interference from foreign states which was set up by the last government.

Continue reading at PMQs LIVE: Rishi Sunak takes swipe at Keir Starmer over China in tense grilling

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  1. Very strange – i don't even mean the obvious discomfort of Starmer here, he and his party of Zionist lackies. No. It is the relationship between these 2 'leaders' ~ a bit too close, too many shared secrets kind of close – any one else think that is weird for the gov and opposition party leads ? – like fellow class mates having a you know:you know kind of argument like this 😬 Gives me the creeps

  2. Two politicians, salaries by the same puppet masters, agreeing beforehand, to have a spat while the cameras are on, just to create the illusion that they disagree so that the masses can continue to believe that their interests are being addressed. Circus. Distraction. Slavery.

  3. The way he answered was very telling, he basically said to WEF Sunak, "please don't go after me on this, stop point scoring, remember we all have the same GLOBALIST agenda, i supported you, now you must support me" WEF UNI PARTY TRAITORS.

  4. Amazing how the WEF BLUE uni party are not cornering and get Starmer to commit perjury in regards to all his lord Alli scandals and the GIFT gate episodes. Like Starmer and co did with Boris, more proof of the WEF uni party working towards their agenda.

  5. How's Rishi even allowed to be there and throw shit around when he and his wife tanked the economy with their schemes and private companies? 🤔 baffles me

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