[Graphic] The route russian invaders take to reach their combat positions. Kharkiv region, the approach to Liptsi. And this is how all their routes look.

by Affectionate-Day-552

  1. Man, what a waste. That looks like something straight out of WWI. It could just as well be Ypres. I bet the stench is horrific.

  2. They almost could use them as landmarks: travel south along the mud path until you see the guy missing teeth smile at you. Then continue until you see his blown off foot to your left and turn right. After 100m turn left between the blown off head and the burnt buggy

  3. I guess it will be a measurement of how bad russia’s situation is when they start sending out groups to collect all that gear.

    Looking foeward to the day they learn the recycling triangle, and are forced to use it due to suply  shortages.

  4. what hurts me about these pictures is to know, that there are ukrainians rotting like this too…
    there are people rotting, that wanted to defend their country…

  5. This sounds terrible.But my video game instinct is to loot and I see all that loot going to waste

  6. You know I follow game trails when I’m out hunting/scouting so that I can set myself up for a successful hunt. Apparently Russians are no smarter than the deer I shoot..

  7. Russia is a zombified embodiment of the USSR. The only way through that hell is the violent end of its militaristic ambitions.

  8. Imagine being the fresh meat being sent forward, having to pass those who were sent in the days & weeks before you in various stages of decomp who never made it to the positions you are heading for. And then you hear the drone ….

  9. why don’t these idiots turn on putin? never seem so many idiots in my life. 700,000 killed wounded? that kinda group could easily marched on Moscow instead of Kiev

  10. I think the most important thing here is… what is the name of the song? The question will be asked eventually. Besides, it’s a banger.

  11. Where are the vultures and carnivores? Herds of feral pigs would make quick work of these carcasses.

  12. Kinda reminds me of Vlad the Impaler who lined the roads with thousands of dead folks stuck on pikes. The approaching Ottoman army took one look at that and noped outta there quick.

    But this time it’s more like Vladimir the Impaled.

  13. These Russians are finally doing something useful in their existence – serving as fertilizer.

  14. @0:30 is the round brown object in the bottom left that dead guy’s head? Or is it just like a water bottle with a fabric covering?

  15. Despite the horror of what they see, still these amoebic brained lemmings move forward to a certain death and for what, to fulfil the imperialistic dreams of a fabulously rich cowardly Tsar, hiding in his gilded palace in the Kremlin.

    Putin and his regime are a danger to the whole world, not just Ukraine.

  16. So many lives lost for Putin. If only Russians realized their own corrupt government is the enemy and turned against them…. Until then the meat waves will continue. 

  17. Seems like the scavengers can’t keep up, normally they would arrive relatively soon, especially in open areas where they can spot food from above

  18. If you go across this road of bones and still think “Yeah Russkiy Mir here I come” then you’re just another skeleton to pave it with.

  19. I’ve seen some of these videos on the ground without music and it sounds eerily serene. Seeing such devastation and knowing it happened just hours earlier is just surreal. Ukraine truly is a beautiful country.

  20. Really needs a better sound track, Post Malone ‘Sunflower’ would be awesome. ‘Then you’re left in dust, unless I stuck by ya you’re a sunflower!

  21. If it is not yet done, somebody should hack Russian TV networks and insert these gruesome videos for the whole of Putin’s Russia to see.

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