Comedians can’t write funnier content than current US politics.

Comedians can’t write funnier content than current US politics.

Posted by Miz_Tsunami

  1. If there’s any proof the “media” has been in it for trump this whole time, just put biden in that scenario and tell me every front page wouldn’t have been carrying, “Biden lost for 39 minutes, jerks off imaginary men.”

  2. Tin foil hat me says the fainting was staged to delay the questions that he never got to because he used it to play music

  3. Guys, seriously. The handjob dance. I can’t get over it. I wanna see every second of it.

  4. That event was preceded by the event in Detroit where he complained about how the whole U.S. will be as shitty as Detroit if Harris is elected. Michigan being another essential swing state.

  5. “Jason, play YMCA!”

    (…f*! I’m 78, I should know the dance by now. Kristi looks like she knows it. How does it go? F* it! Double dick dance! And, pump it, pump it, pump it!)

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