Don’s latest crypto scam got Community Noted 🤣

Posted by 94rud4

  1. This horse’s ass has no shame. What amazes me are his MAGAts would lose their shit if any of their neighbors did a mere fraction of the scams that he’s done, they would be screaming for the police to arrest them. But somehow, Tdumpster gets a free pass.

  2. > so you cannot withdraw until this ‘scheme’ sees fit to allow it

    Yeah, and it’s a safe bet this happens like, *never*.

    And you know who they will blame when they find out they’ve been scammed? If you think it’s Trump I have a bridge or two to sell you.

    They’re going to blame the Democrats. Guaranteed.

  3. Of course, its needs Donald’s permission to release your crypto. Once he has your money, he aint letting it go.

  4. I bet they’ll eventually allow transfers and sales only through their platform…for a small fee.

  5. People can’t afford groceries according to MAGA Republicans, but there’s always money for Trump’s scams!

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