Thank you so much.

I'm in the process of receiving my 16th bag of blood in the last 3 weeks (fuck cancer) and feeling extraordinarily grateful to the people who have made this possible. I would certainly be a gonner by now if it weren't for you.

You're amazing. Life-savers.

And if you are able to be a donor but aren't yet, please consider signing up. X

by MintAeroplane

  1. I did my 7th donation last week. Also now signed up for bone marrow donation about which I am legit bricking it

  2. Fuck cancer! Hope you get well soon.

    I have a donation coming up on Monday and I always look forward to the email which tells me what hospital my blood was sent to.

  3. Wishing you well. Fuck cancer.

    I gave blood for the first time some months ago, nearly fainted twice, most embarrassing. I thought at the time never again, as it turns out I have a rare blood type so I’m asked kindly to give more. Booked for December. Maybe I’ll only nearly faint once, that’s the aim.

  4. Fuck cancer.

    I’ve just signed up to donate and as soon as they are in my area I’m there!

  5. Thank god it made what with all the cancellations and bad service. You’re a lucky one!

  6. I generally believe everyone deserves the same access to health care, but there’s still something nice (?) about seeing these limited resources go to a cancer patient rather than another idiot who’s come off his motorbike at 90 mph.

  7. From someone who’s donated 51 pints over 18 years, you’re most welcome OP 💞

    Fun fact: Whole blood is separated into 3 components after donation…Red Blood Cells, Plasma & Platelets. So you’re helping 3 patients with one donation 🥹

    Also, my blood is extra special that it’s CMV Negative…a type of virus found in most people, but it’s largely harmless to us. Although it can be a different story to those needing a blood transfusion who are weak/ Immunocompromised/ premature babies with no immune system. So, because I don’t have this virus, I’m encouraged to donate as much as possible and my blood goes to people like OP who have cancer too (side note: I see OPs blood is indeed A+ CMV Neg 👌)

  8. They JUST text me about upcoming appointments. Made one now, thanks for the reminder. Since it looks like we share a blood type there’s a non-zero chance you’ll get my next bag. Hope your recovery goes well, friend.

  9. My dad has always donated blood and was really proud of that fact. A few years back, he was in an accident and needed three blood transfusion over night. We always say he got a refund on his donation.

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