Fox News did not disclose its all-women town hall with Trump was packed with his supporters

Fox News did not disclose its all-women town hall with Trump was packed with his supporters

  1. Wow you mean Fox News did something that was dishonest and in bad-faith? 😮

    “The Sun Rose Again Today”

  2. I assumed that considering they were laughing at women being affected by lack of medical care.

  3. Trump’s done like two event that weren’t with his supporters since Harris took over the ticket. The extremely well received National Association of Black Journalists interview and the Spanish language townhall he did today…. Where he was getting asked about J6 and Haitians.

  4. American women, it would seem, prefer a rapist and serial sex pest as President rather than another woman.

  5. Who thought Fox News was going to be impartial? Show of hands! Who was that gullible, I want to know.

  6. I’m would have been more shocked if it had been disclosed tbh. We’re talking about Fox here. Not exactly a paragon of journalism excellence!

  7. Viewers should’ve known that Trump always travels with the same 50 or so people that are paid to cheer for anything he says or does.

    Why else would anyone sit through his nonsensical BS?

  8. Was it even going to be a question in the first place?

    Of fucking course it’s full of his superfans.

    Water is wet too!

  9. Of course. Trump hates confrontation. The pussy couldn’t even look Kamala in the eye during the debate. He’s got thinner skin than a nutsack.

  10. I tuned into Fox today for the first time in maybe 25 years to watch Kamala light Brett on fire. And she did not disappoint.

  11. Oh ya, county Facebook page confirmed this shit was a ticketed event for pre screened women only.

  12. If everyone in the audience was selected because they are your fans, then it’s not a town hall, it’s a fan club.

  13. Everything he does is tightly controlled, fully scripted with fake supporters purchased.  

    Any room he enters must be filled with adoring clapping fans or he doesn’t do the event.  

    He runs his entire life like a reality show with him as the god like star and he pays a lot of money to keep it that way. 

  14. Of course they didn’t. Lie by omission, lie outright, it’s still all lies. Baer lied with a clip trying to show Trump told his town hall there was not an enemy within. Fix just cut out the part where he said it. Chris Hayes just showed it. Lie, lie, lie is all they do.

  15. My first clue was when he walked in the room and they stood up and started cheering like he was white Usher.

  16. Fox News had to pay $700+ million lying for Trump after the 2020 election and will likely have to pay a billion more before all is said and done.

    They are not now and never have been a journalistic organization.

  17. All tRump supporting women should be required to wear a tee shirt emblazoned with “Mr tRump please grab my p_ssy!”

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