Trump demands Harris’ ‘cognitive ability must be tested at once’ in Fox interview response

Trump demands Harris’ ‘cognitive ability must be tested at once’ in Fox interview response

Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. I demand we test Trump’s liarbetes immediately. See just how much of a liarbetic he really is.

  2. Oh, fuck off Trump.

    I hope he loses so soundly that he poses absolutely no more threat to democracy for at least another 4 years.

    Or, ideally, ever.

  3. I would love her to agree to one, but , under the stipulation that they both do one together at the same time and let each opponent choose the other’s doctor.

  4. Just watched a part about army with Brett. Outstanding Kamala! Even after sane washed Fox clip you cut him off at the knees. Bet someone needed a diaper change after he saw the interview. She actually wiped the floor better with Brett than Donald!👏👏👏

  5. He needs new material. 

    This “test her cognitive ability” crap is old and reeks of insecurity.

  6. When intelligence is evident and so obvious it’s time to be tested. Why? Because Trump LOVES THE STUPID AND ONLY THE STUPID.

  7. She didn’t stop taking questions and dance for nearly an hour…clearly she has mental issues — MAGA

  8. His tactics are so transparent.

    “Oh shit everyone is noticing that my brain is fucked and I can’t finish the same sentence that I started. Better quickly accuse someone as of having cognitive issues”.

  9. Let’s just stipulate that POS cowards who won’t interview in 60 Minutes, not debate, nor release their medical records, don’t get to make demands.

  10. Whenever Trump says anything unprompted anymore, I just assume he’s projecting. Must have been told by someone in his camp that he’s showing signs of dementia.

  11. She’s been attacking poor widdle Donnie to show how badly he’s been declining mentally so Trump does his typical angry response tactic of it’s not me, it’s her. Very childish but that’s Trumps mental state, that of a petulant child.

  12. Florida has a Baker Act! It seriously needs to be used on trump! And who the fuck does he think he is demanding anything! He is Joe Blowhard Bully off the street! He is a nothing, a weird ass hole that thinks he can bully his way into anything!! Look at what the fuck face did at one of the Summits, pushed people out of the way to get in front!! The people he pushed LAUGHED AT him! He had that smug, evil smile on his face!! And the look what I did look! What a weird child!

  13. Yeah, riighht.. VP Harris is too cogent, therefore she needs a “cognitive” test?! Trump is projecting like a madman! 📽️💙🌊

  14. Low IQ loser trump is projecting again. He is clearly in mental decline and is getting worse every day.

  15. According to /r/conservative, the interview was a disaster for Harris and the “walk away” movement will see a huge surge in numbers as a result. 

    Absolute madmen over there 

  16. Where is his family?!! His wife?!! Why do they let him make such a fool of himself on the world stage?!! Please Trump family get your loved one the mental healthcare he needs and quit letting him make a fool of himself.

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