IDF prüft, ob Hamas-Führer Yahya Sinwar bei Angriff im Gazastreifen getötet wurde

IDF prüft, ob Hamas-Führer Yahya Sinwar bei Angriff im Gazastreifen getötet wurde

  1. > In the building where the terrorists were eliminated, there were no signs of the presence of hostages in the area.

    If I’m ever taken hostage please just airstrike me. A quick death is better than being disappeared following a year as a slave wife or punching bag. The last hostages we saw were skin and bones.

  2. the guy tried all the available options to avoid getting assassinated and still IDF able to find him, damn

  3. This is really odd

    They said he was killed in an airstrike/gun fire exchange with 2 other figthers.

    I dont get what reason he has to be above ground with Hamas fighters in Rafah/Gaza city where the IDF mainly acts right now, and not the the humanitarian zone in Dir-el balah in the middle of the Gaza strip.

    Maybe he hid in Rafah most of the war, and when the IDF cut off most of the large tunnels between Khan Yunis and the rest of Gaza he could not move to the north to Dir-el balah? and if that’s even the case, why wasent he with hostages?

    Hope it’s true, but it’s really wierd. IDF has ways to figure out if that’s really his body since he was jailed in Israel before, so well get results soon.

  4. I was a little skeptical until I saw the pics and uuuh yea that looks a *lot* like Sinwar. Same mole, same teeth, same watch . . . Sinwar might actually be dead.

  5. Sinwar killed by chance was definitely not on my bingo board

    Edit: Israeli news reporting that there was indication of “hamas senior figures” in the area and that’s why IDF forces were there. So maybe not complete chance but still definitely not how i imagined sinwar going down.

  6. Sky News just went live with coverage of it . . . It may be real! The photos certainly look like Sinwar.

    Rest in piss, bozo.

  7. “But the civilians!!” They scream, foaming at the mouths and pointing at military age men in civilian clothing as they try to deflect and make Israel look bad.

  8. Based on what I have heard so far, this wasn’t a targeted assassination. It seems like IDF soldiers got into a firefight with 3 terrorists in an undisclosed location within Gaza, and when the dust settled and they went over to look at the bodies, they see a body looking like Sinwar. I have seen the pictures, and I fully believe that it is Sinwar’s. Sinwar used to be in Israeli prison, so they have his DNA, finger-prints, and teeth x-ray. It’s only a matter of time before Israel can confirm that the body belongs to Sinwar.

  9. Those IDF guys that did this are heroes! 

    Can you imagine how proud they moms will be.

  10. If you go on X you can find pictures of the body. Really looks like him, down to the teeth. If it’s not him it’s a very good double.

  11. I saw the pictures on Twitter comparing his teeth. I would be shocked if the monster isn’t dead.

  12. Tommorow on BBC, AL jazeera, CNN… “israel kills lead ceasefire negoiator for hamas… escalating the region towards all out war”.

  13. I have been saying for a long time that it would just just ONE mistake by him to get himself killed. And looks like he made that mistake today

  14. So whos next? Seems like this is starting to become a literal hand sign for a death sentence at this point.

  15. Israeli media just showed pictures of him with a huge hole in his head and covered in dust

    He’s dead 100%

    I’m shocked they never show this gory pictures

  16. Chances are looking very good. If it’s true, he died while transferring himself when some regular IDF combatants found him and shot him, not even knowing who he is. This all caught the IDF (and all of us in Israel, honestly) in absolute shock.

    Rest in piss, rat. This will be Gaza’s only fate until all of our 101 hostages are back home.

  17. Sinwar’s death will crush Hamas’s morale in Gaza. Hope they surrender and give up the hostages.

  18. I heard an episode of the Ezra Klein podcast that went over the history and character profile of Sinwar and Netanyahu.  

    I knew Netanyahu was an asshole but I didn’t think I could hate somebody as much as Sinwar after hearing about his delusions, in the autobiography he released from Israeli prison, he frames himself as the savior of the Palestinian people all while eventually leading Gaza to ruin. It detailed how he discovered the Israeli weakness of *caring about their own people* so he adopted hostage taking as the most effective strategy of his war plan. It *worked* and since he didn’t give a fuck about his own people, we’re left in the mess we’re currently in.

    Good riddance 

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