Fox News Aimed to Sink Kamala Harris With Gotcha Tactics —Instead, She Shattered Their Grievance Theater on National TV

Fox News Aimed to Sink Kamala Harris With Gotcha Tactics —Instead, She Shattered Their Grievance Theater on National TV

Fox News Aimed to Sink Kamala Harris With Gotcha Tactics —Instead, She Shattered Their Grievance Theater on National TV

Posted by inewser

  1. That was glorious to watch. I wished she asked for real clip when Brett the Nation Enquirer host showed false clip.

  2. Didn’t think she should go on Fox but I have to say she brought it. They’re a bunch of hacks and she lit them up. Like a trained and competent attorney. Folks if you know, you know they talk. She’s not playing and I hope she continues not taking prisoners

  3. I’m proud of her – she once more displayed a mastery of the medium that nothing from a year ago or more would have suggested she ever had. I do think she learned far more as VP behind the scenes than any of us ever suspected, and her training as a prosecutor really comes in handy when she is in such a heightened verbal back and forth. She’s like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

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