Zelenskyy: Ukraine Has Two Options—Nuclear Weapons or NATO. We Choose NATO

Zelenskyy: Ukraine Has Two Options—Nuclear Weapons or NATO. We Choose NATO

by UNITED24Media

  1. He is right, no one will bomb Russia with nuclear weapons, but it is necessary to have nuclear weapons so that Russia cannot threaten Ukraine with nuclear weapons with impunity.

  2. About time. We gave our nukes for security agreements and they were never fullfilled because West is scared of “escalation”. If West can’t protect us, we will protect outselves. We started making ballistic missiles 2 months ago, we had nukes before, so we have technology and engineers to make them again. It doesn’t have to be the best nuke, just powerful enough to call it a nuke.
    I fully support him in this speech, we need to end this war and if we can’t rely on our allies – we make nuclear weapons.

  3. I’m pretty sure he means ‘For Now, We’re Choosing NATO’, just won’t say it outright. And he’s right to think that. As things stand now, if you’re not in a defensive alliance and/or have nukes, it’s free real estate.

    Honestly, I wonder what the chances of mystery nukes getting launched from an unexpected direction are, if things get too dire. Probably non-zero.

  4. Solid argument. Just a shame he’s being forced to play this card and we didn’t do the polite thing and help more earlier.

  5. What are we going to do to stop them? Sanctions? Hahahaha their economy has been bombed for 2 years now. Threaten military action? hahahha they have been fighting the Russians and doing very well at it for 2 years.

    Either let them into NATO or accept they will have their own nukes.

  6. He should have said, “Ukraine Has Two Options—Nuclear Weapons or NATO”.

    Since 2022 the US, while helping, has also prevented UA from winning via restrictions on weapons and targets.

    States using nuclear blackmail in order to be able to murder and steal with impunity cannot become a precedent.

    I think that, in the end, a shock and awe campaign to defeat Russia and NKorea will be required to de-nuke them.

  7. imho this is also what he told Biden and the cia and so they switched Johnson.

    No conventional weapons for ukraine means a very high risk of nuclear war. As UAF may not hold the line without strong support and in case of loosing major cities, ukraine may nuke russia. and i am very sure they are capable, even now.

  8. I’m getting progressively more afraid that Ukraine will soon learn the hard lesson about the reliability of Western allies. The lesson, we in Central Europe have learned in the 40s.

  9. Ukraine has the ability to build a nuclear bomb today, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are secretly working on the worst case backup plan.

  10. NATO is not enough. All European countries should start thinking of their own nukes – this is the only language russia understands

  11. …which begs the question: would we rather see a few nuclear bombs go off in Russia and then logically in Ukraine, than risk our soldiers on the front line? Does the first scrnario not lead to the second quite quickly?…

  12. The West’s fear of escalation is a waste of energy as escalation is what we have whether we like it or not…

  13. I would love to see them be a part of NATO. They have proven themselves against a country that the world once saw as a powerhouse. They have my vote.

  14. before this war it would be better to go nuke than to rely on bunch of bureaucrats…
    now we need to defeat russia conventionally

  15. The thing which the West doesn’t get or pretends to not understand is that it’s an existential war for Ukraine. We don’t have a luxure of losing this war, because losing this war means death of Ukrainian state and Ukrainian nation with millions Urainian tortured and murdered. So if the West is unwilling to fulfill its obligations under the Budapest momarandum, Ukraine has no other choise than to make its own nukes. Then if we will be slaughtered by Russia with the rest of the world watching with indififference us being butchered, we will at least nuke the hell out of Russia as well. Ukraine will not let be butchered in silence like a livestock.

  16. In the long history of nuclear proliferation, every nation that has ever gotten them besides the US and UK did so secretly until they were operational and it was too late to do anything about them.
    My favorite being France, rubbing it in the face of the UK and US when they got theirs.

  17. How long will it take for them to develop nukes? Surely not for the remainder of the war? Ingenuity or not, that can’t be a realistic option right now.

  18. Ukraine must develop nuclear weapons- best path is to get a ‘helping hand’ from a nuclear weapons nation and there are only 9. France being the only one I could see helping. Sympathetic retired professionals from US & UK who are familiar with how to do it can help as well. Second best option is to have sufficiently good missiles as to target the 11 Russian nuclear power stations with conventional weapons!

  19. This is the argument I have been trying to get people around me to understand. If the West bails on Ukraine, they are 100% within their rights to use any and all means at their disposal to save the nation and preserve themselves and the great Ukrainian people. That includes any nuclear weapons that may or may not be ready, hidden, able, standing by……to be used.

  20. Damn…They have nukes again….They are just telling the world, “We tried peace (giving up nukes), and Russia and the US broke their promise.”

  21. 100% right.

    Until 2023 year there were hopes that West at lest somehow restore functionality of International Law, but Ukrainian war shown that West completely agree with Russian “WMD-Might make Right/True” logic.

  22. Please also choose nukes because the rest of the “free world” are weak minded and weak bodied.

  23. I think they should pursue nuclear weapons that can fit on the Neptune missile. Western allies are fickle as fuck.

  24. Let’s remember when the Soviet Union collapsed Ukraine had plenty of Soviet nukes. They gave them up with the assurance they would be protected. Guess they learned their lesson

  25. It sucks how much sense it makes to help Ukraine and how clearly right is morally, yet the West constantly drags its feet and limits Ukraines ability to defend itself. What happened to the free world? Especially concerning russia. During the Cold War, if russia showed aggression like this, the US would have stepped up with overlwhmeling domestic support. Now, russia has neutered the Wests support by unchecked propaganda and misinformation in all Western media and information gathering spaces. They have invested massively in Western diplomats and have built/funded entire political parties in even Nato countries. This is unchecked aggression. Now, another nuclear dictatorship has announced it intends to help russia invade a sovereign nation and even declare war on Ukraine. What’s the response from the west?……… crickets.

    It’s really disheartening and embarrassing how easy it is for putler to act tough and get the west to back down. I understand a lot can and probably will change after the US presidential election, but I still can’t help but be a bit jaded regarding the response in general to Ukraine in its entirety since Crimea was annexed. Did we not learn from Georgia? Did we not learn that russia was not done after that? Then it was Crimea. Then they invaded the donbas, trying to use the same technique with their little green men. russia has shown who they are. So many times during this conflict, Ukraine could have exploited big weaknesses or advantages, but the Wests slow deliveries and / or response has effectively stifled any of that from happening. Ukraine deserves much better than that.

  26. I say get both. They used to have nuclear, but gave those weapons up in an exchange for an agreement with Russia that they would respect their sovereignty. Russia never held up their end of the bargain, so fuck em.

  27. Damn right, Ukraine has more than earned it’s place in NATO.

    And for all the Ruzzian idiots who spout the ‘No NATO bordering Ruzzia crap’ due to Putin’s actions in Ukraine Ruzzia now has Finland with a long-ass border (and Sweden), Lithuania and the other Baltic’s, they’re in NATO, what is Putin going to do about that, invade them as well?


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