At least 140 dead after Nepal floods

At least 140 dead after Nepal floods

At least 140 people have died after widespread flooding in Nepal – triggered by late Monsoon rains.

Houses, buses and cars were buried in landslides in and around the capital Kathmandu, which has been left completely cut off after main roads were blocked.
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  1. Th@'s so sad, and it's going on all over!!! Between nature, our own doing, and God's word… Oh, My!!!!!!!
    We aren't able to do anything but our part, but most people prefer to just sit by idly.!.!.!.

  2. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away. Matthew 24:37-39

  3. That Nepaling…
    The global floods are because of increased volcanic activity but you are being gaslit to believe driving to work and eating beef causes it because they can't tax volcano's.

  4. Simple answer God, and curiosity kills the cat is it?
    We have bigger problem than worried about Noah (PBUH) Ark eg: hundreds of thousand years past and you and I can’t live together and I guarantee you that if we don’t destroy each others and everything in between, we will never learned!
    Sad for most of us, right?
    If we live for another thousand years we will, have to feel so be it!

  5. One of my friends home also drowned by this flood. They were rescued in time but they have to left their dog which was dead under ground floor. She was really beautiful dog named "kanchhi". Army said that it was impossible to go below ground floor and search her as water level was above 3rd floor. i really miss her.😞

  6. isn't it strange I was told 10 years ago weather patterns would change across the planet. Not man made climate BS . I was also told volcanoes earthquakes tornadoes would increase across the planet. Again, not man . I was told to cover up this .they needed distractions. Ukraine Russia/ China twaian. This is going to get worse. WHY? because the earth is tilting, it's been pulled .NASA has said this .that's why the floods .

  7. Well one was in the seventies so it did happen before so can you blame global warming or therath of God ..or weather being messed Abt with like all over the world rain rain rain xxxx ♥️ godless you all 🙏🏻♥️💯🤍🤝🌍🤝

  8. I think people were told about the floods but some people didn’t want to leave the area because of their belongings and they didn’t want their house 🏠 to be damaged, so they stayed, but then the floods came and it was too late.

  9. Because of the incompetent, puppet and corrupt regime's of Nepal.
    We the people's of Nepal are facing all kinds of problems.
    Insecurity, corruption ,pollution, inflation inadequate, drinking,water foods, poor, infrastructure, poor, sanitation, poor sewage system,(nepotism ) and dirty politics etc.
    Nepal regime's, grand ,design, is to sell and send the "GURKHAS", especially the martial race from Nepal.
    To fight and die in the foreign army.
    Amd make the" GURKHAS" demographically, literacy religiously, culturally and politically "LIMBO "and "ILLUSION" in the 21st century.
    Now it is now 210 years the GURKHAS are still struggling hard to find the STATUS dignity and identity and still facing family separation and barred from basic voting and human rights abuses'.
    UK government used the GURKHAS as an diplomacy currency in the international market and collected a huge revenue from the respected Malaysian, Singapore,Hong Kong and now from the oil rich state of Brunei.
    But paid only 1% to the GURKHAS and 99% into the British coffer.
    UK government can find millions of pound to supply Arm to Ukraine.
    But been penny pinching on the plight of the GURKHAS issues '.
    We are not begging the "ALM with the British government we are demanding our right and the money looted by the UK government.
    From the above mentioned respected government in the name of Gurkha garrison in Far East.
    GURKHAS is not just the moneytory or only the pension issue.
    Most importantly the GURKHAS issues' is about the STATUS dignity and identity and Sovereign and Sovereignty of our only beautiful Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal.
    Illegal occupation of 66 thousand hectre land from East to West of Nepal.
    During the British Raj in India.
    Please google greater map of India.
    And continue violation of 9 November 1947 Tripartite agreement.
    Failed to treat the GURKHAS in equal footing as the other units in the parent army so that the stigma of mercenary soldiers for all times be wiped out ".
    Nepal the home of GURKHAS is beautiful with full of nature beauty.
    But the politicians are inept and corrupt???…

  10. There's an awful lot of floods and rain this year, very odd, it's almost as if all this cloud seeding is making it rain more than ever.. But I'm just a conspiracy theorist for even thinking this way…

  11. Some u people are calling nepalese to fight against israel… now how can u fight.. as a said ealier call for more jobs for nepalese for better life not for a war against israel.. believe me hezbollah dont care about during this problem…

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