Jim Davidson – More Illegal Migrants? Labour’s Plans Are Going Well!

Jim Davidson – More Illegal Migrants? Labour’s Plans Are Going Well!

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#jimdavidson #news #comedy #immigration

  1. It’s the great replacement been speaking this for years I was warned in the 90’s this will come if people don’t care about the country well now everyone cares all of a sudden

  2. Hers a good one jim i will bee happy to give it to him
    He starmer you won't a Freeby I Ave one for you no tax no vat no comeback if you won't it you can ave my cancer

  3. Bible prophecy tells us that these things will happen
    One world government
    One world currency
    One world religion
    Fires ,floods, famine, drought,
    Wars and rumours of wars
    Nation against Nation
    Tribe against tribe
    (We have been so deceived )

    Look around you..!

    It was all predicted in the book of Revelation
    (Apocalypse which means the revealing)

    The bible says
    that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast.
    We were tested on this recently, remember?
    No jab No job?

    The bible also says
    You might mock and scoff
    Jude 1:18
    In the end days there will be mockers and scoffers
    Following their own ungodly passions.

    Or You might say
    2 Peter 3:4
    Where is the promise of His coming?
    For since the fathers fell asleep
    All things continue as they did from
    the beginning of creation..

    The world turned away from God, and Satan stepped in.
    2 corinthians 4.4
    4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe.

    Revelation 11.18
    The nations were angry, and your wrath has come.
    The time has come for judging the dead,
    and for rewarding your servants the prophets
    and your people who BELIEVE, both great and small—
    👉and to destroy them that destroy the earth.”👈
    Chem☝️trails, ☝️HAARP☝️

    We are on the precipice of the worst time
    Ever known..
    Matthew 24.1
    For there shall be such tribulation
    Such as has never been seen from the beginning
    Until now
    And will Never be again ..

    Can you really afford to ignore this..
    👉Admit to God that you are a sinner in need of a saviour
    👉Believe with all your heart that Jesus was born of a virgin
    Died on a cross and rose from death 3 days later..
    And He is coming back.
    👉Confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord
    And you will be saved..

    Talk to Jesus for more details..🙏
    Before it's too late…

    Normal isn't coming back….
    Jesus is.

  4. Why is it the government can afford to put up illegal immigrants in hotels, feed them, keep them nice and warm throughout the winter and even give them spending money, but can't afford oap's like me, who have contributed to this country all my life and they can't afford to help me keep warm. Labour need to sort out their priorities.

  5. Labour will do nothing to get reed of this boat people let's get labour out and get Nigel in labour dont care about old people they don't care if they die of cold

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