RUSSIAN Industry Collapsing

RUSSIAN Industry Collapsing

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In this video I discuss the latest S&P Global Report that shows that Russian Manufacturing went into decline in September and that Russian industry has started to make workers redundant due to falling orders, lower demand and a lack of skilled workers, all of which is very bad news for the Russian Economy.

For specific details please check out the CHAPTER list below.

0:00 Intro
3:28 PMI


  1. Well, I doubt it's collapsing. I won't watch it because I watched one of your other videos that was supposed to be about the Russian economy collapsing and there wasn't anything in it about a collapse. I believe that's called click bait.

  2. Always appreciate your thoughtful, insightful analyses. Nobody else is producing these kind of analyses, and they are indeed relevant and important. Thanks, Joe Blogs.

  3. Russians being deceived, enslaved, ruled by Putin-the butcher are hopeless, losing everything; no human dignity, no freedom, low income, no enough food, poor education, poor health care, inferior technology and funny outdated political ideologies.

  4. Let me understand. A war economy produces things like bombs that get destroyed. Hmmmm so at then end of the day the society has worked hard to produce nothing, or something that no longer exists. Of course if another nation buys your bombs, then you get some value, but who today buys Russian arms, given their shoddy performance?

  5. Mostly correct Joe, but with a little nuance. Although businesses cannot afford these extortionate loan rates, consumers are borrowing like crazy, on the premise that many goods might become unavailable in the future. Particularly good quality items, imported goods, durable items and critical things like car spare parts.

    After a year people have realized that Chinese cars are utter shite, and demand is strong for secondhand, older Japanese cars, and although generally reliable, they require a relatively steady supply of parts, shocks in particular as the road quality deteriorates. In smaller towns I hear people are starting to switch to motorcycles due to the high gasoline prices.

    As the energy and municipal infrastructure deteriorates, mobile stoves and diesel generators are becoming another hot item. Little Honda generators were wiped out in the first six months, now it's all Chinese knockoff at racket prices.

    This mad buying has been going on for two and half years, people have long exhausted their savings, and are taking consumer loans that many cannot or do not intend to repay.

  6. More; Same. Same. Promises. Promises. When will Russia actually stop functioning? When will Russian interest rates either exceed, say, 30% or be as bad as Venezuela (59.26%), Zimbabwe (35%), Argentina (40%) and Turkey (50%), ? 6 months? 1 year? 5 years? Never? What happens then? Are the Putinites holding out for a change in world opinion based upon the election of Donald Trump as many anti- Putin Russian vloggers suggest? I know only one thing, watched pots don't boil.

  7. I do like your videos but having watched them now for a couple of months your titles are kind of meaningless because Russia has been collapsing, in disaster, panic, desperation etc forever it seems. As I was thinking about this I was wondering if you could end with something that following the trends would then predict the date where it would actually collapse. It maybe collapsing but I have no idea how long Russia can continue to collapse without hitting critical mass! Also you could then refer to past videos as well maybe which might be interesting to you…

  8. 19 percent Russian discount rate is phenomally high? .Yes it is. Now compare U.S. credit card companies charging their GOOD customers 25-30 APR should a balance be carried. Not in default – just month to month balance

  9. I can’t recommend Shellane Maxwell enough! Her financial guidance has truly transformed my approach to investing. After following her advice, I’ve seen significant profits that I never thought were possible. She breaks down complex strategies into easy to understand steps, and her personalized approach makes all the difference. If you're looking to grow your wealth and achieve financial freedom, definitely check her out

  10. Really need to do a piece on The AI Artificial Intelligence as these are LEARNING machines now which may mean to some extent very limited others think very much not at all "capable of pronlem solving." #irony having it's first material impact here in the USA in healthcare "but we don't know how" if that makes sense meaning we don't know if they're going to save us or kill us as this is all driven by outcomes related to money not at all to my knowledge driven by an oath to do no harm which is an ethical matter unique to humans and one US Doctors have so wholly abandoned be interesting to see what these machines do to them actually either way other show up in of course automotive with now fully automomous self driving vehicles and beyond all doubt will be targeting Russian and who knows who else upon in all of Europe as this is how Industry works or "can work" anyways #terminator_rise_of_the_machines and so far to date as with the amoral and evil US medical community and these wackos in Israel "this is what the machine is learning on" as it cannot for ulla non experiential abilities like say reading a book or absorbing music to relax so yes very much out of the lab now is an understatement 😊😊

  11. Crash blog bark day and night russia russia russia, china and now even india πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  12. It's now coming up for 3 years and quite honestly it's clear that eventually virtually EVERY point is proven absolutely wrong. It's all about metric and history. The West continues to compare the Russian economy to how the West works – 1st mistake. Then ignore other factors that make the picture totally different. While rubbishing Russia it avoids having to face up to the fact that the UK is in very deep crap and getting worse by the day.

  13. You might point out that in the US, when Ford builds a truck, it gets sold to a tradesman, who provides a service, for which he/she is paid, which helps fund the continuing business. When Mig builds a fighter plane, it goes to Ukraines and has a certain risk of being destroyed. Net zero. War is bad business. The Russian state is funding a war which is inherently destructive.
    Carl G. Schuster

  14. Its the same ignorant and delusional people that yapped about the chinese GDP that are doing it here on behalf of the russian…they know nothing about economy, they know nothing about inflated and fake demands perpetrated by the goverment..a financial action that only works for the short term,synthetically, and that will drain the savings…as it does with both russia and china when they do they do..

  15. Russia has doubled down on conscripting all criminals in the prison system.
    Over half of the new recruits heading to battle are from the criminal system now.
    I call it last gasp. The north koreans are not good soldiers. Massive language barrier.

  16. Stagflation during the last years of the Vietnam war was about 17% I recall. But I was a student in college and had no money so didn't feel it. But my parents cut down expenses during those years by closing up most of the house – 3 bedrooms – 24 x 32 feet foot print with two floors and living in the basement with a wood stove and small four burner stove. It wasn't even finished to any degree. My father was very patient and told me about it but never went into the details.
    What airheads we were in college. The late – early 70s atmosphere never seemed to know anything about the grim realities of economics. The political dogma expressed as cant and slogans seemed to rule the rhetoric and only the adults seemed to appreciate the grim realities. But even the college faculties I had didn't seem to appreciate economic reality all that well either.
    Putin is in such deep doo doo. But his is not the only country or economy that is. Maybe it's a mercy Joe you don't talk more about american or european feet of clay. That can be found elsewhere. I don't look very hard for it.

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