The Quantum Computing Collapse Has Begun

The Quantum Computing Collapse Has Begun

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A year ago, I predicted that quantum computing would not have a good 2024. The year is almost over, so let’s take a look at developments in the world of quantum computing, which has been a wild mix of good and bad news, including IBM’s revised quantum roadmap, Google’s error correction progress, and the fate of other quantum computing firms.

The Google paper is here:

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  1. Intel has had other big problems this year which may explain it's changes WRT quantum computing – expect some confused details here but there have been claims that Intel should recall a lot of its chips due to a couple of different manufacturing defect issues it should have known about for at least a while, but it won't because the scale of the issue is so big it can't afford to, IIRC as a result share prices dropped a few months ago, and investors are suing Intel claiming that misleading statements were made inflating the stock price up until the drop. I'm not claiming that quantum computing has no problems, of course, only that there's another likely reason for Intel getting more cautious about it.

  2. I do not believe that the advancement of technology constitutes good news for the people of this planet anymore. Modern technology is mostly focused on war and mind control. If you need me to explain the mind control all around you then its already to late for you. As for anyone else reading this ask yourself what will be done with this technology? Which of yours rights will be lost because of it? How will it be used to enslave you further?

  3. Considering how Dynex runs quantum code on simulated neuromorphic chips and has shown how effectively that scales up, I wonder if the traditional quantum computing approach is a sustainable way forward. Especially when hearing about Dynex touting projections of 1 million qubits by 2034 on their computing network… that's start to sounds unfathomable by today's metrics.

  4. Funding for fundamental research has always been limited. The billions only ever flow into commercialization. What we see is that the current quantem tech is not ready for commercial applications – hence the funds dry up. Back to the drawing board.

  5. I've been saying that quantum computing is overblown, in the sense that most articles of lay people (such as myself) say that it'll break all cryptography etc. I think this is silly, since quantum-resistant algorithms are far ahead of the quantum computers they're supposed to defend against. I do think quantum computers have a genuine use case: simulations of quantum systems, for… studying the effect of candidate drug molecules on biological targets and stuff. However, I think the market for this use case is niche.

  6. By far the biggest use for quantum computing is decryption… The government's that want that have the billions, but we will not hear about it for about 2 decades (think Bletchley Park.)
    If a small company has a real breakthrough (let's say a quantum leap) then maybe, but if they are just chasing the same rechnology, then they are just in it for the investment capital.

  7. The theory on which quantum computers are based is wrong. There is no real "superposition" by which several arithmetic operations can be performed "simultaneously".
    A Quantencomputer only works not linearly ( chaotic ). Its results are therefore only a lot of somehow possible probabilities that must subsequently be adjusted to conventional standards. The whole mistake will soon or later be exposed.Whether this chaotic approach will have any benefit remains to be seen.

  8. I wonder if there is some fundamental limit on what a quantum computer can do, and that IBM and Google are nearing it. It feels like analog computers to me: there is a limit to the precision you can achieve.

  9. That probe into PsiQuantum from the gov't isn't about whether or not it's a good use of gov't funds. Not at all. Did you even read it? There's a list of several dozen questions, and only one of them is about whether or not it's a good use of funds. Everything else is about an entirely different subject.

    It's a probe into the fund allocation decision because they tailor made the application to exactly fit PsiQuantum specs – and sent out a cold call email asking for other proposals with only a short, several weeks notice and never followed up on it. PsiQuantum had been having back door communications with the gov't for ages, and no one else was allowed to bid or compete fairly.

    It was about corruption and anti-competitive practices, and how PsiQuantum pushes past the law and standard practices to bully their way into getting money.

    Your video – on the other hand – is about whether or not QC will continue to receive funding. So I guess you just twisted the narrative to fit your point of view and find support for your narrative by misrepresenting the report.

    I get that you're a QC skeptic, but you can't just misreport this stuff so that it fulfills your narrative, Sabine. Shame on you. For someone who claims to be as impartial as you do – you clearly either a) didn't read the document, or b) cherry picked a few lines to further your narrative. Either way, very bad job.

    I just happen to have read this document a while ago, and was already up to date with the situation. It's the first time I've been well informed about a non-scientific topic before watching your videos. Now I wonder how much of the rest of your videos is just nonsense you peddle online. Unsubbed.

  10. It is truly fascinating how people talking about things they do not understand. Also making quite correct conclusions on false inputs.
    Seek information of source to that problems, requiring error correction and you will understand why more is indeed better and also why it will change nothing in general.

  11. Instead of worshipping quantum probability theory (which is a analytical model for event prediction, rather than a analytical model of physical processes simulation), it's a resurrected form of spontaneous generation, it's already dead as a valid theory, as E=hf is not a correct energy conversion, because meter length is relative to where you are, therefore it's wrong foundationally, even if you correct for it with proportionality factors, you still have the wrong composition, which requires (your model) to have extra dimensions, however thermodynamic space only has 3 non-warpable dimensions and it renders general relativity space/time curvature and dilation and quantum. Differential Planck lengths and differential c speed within non-warpable thermodynamic space. It's undeniable to (speed = linear energy extent / constant time delta) speed contracts with length of flow, which is why general relativistic space time contracts within non-waprable 3D space, a photon traversing a planck field will increase in momentum relative to a mass observer in that location, smaller planck mass in that local frame, the photon momentum grows, and the key distinction is p=hf/c (h, and c are variables that locally are proportional to each other, while f is the constant factor for that one (specific photon), the frequency doesn't increase for that specific photon because the observers time is dilated, rather it f stays the same and h and c both decreased in extent [physical space time curvature via polarization density gradient]), the observer sees the planck length as constant even as their time dilates, because the local observer doesn't do science to find differentials between reference frames therefore your quantum theory is wrong, E=hf is not the correct energy output because when local planck masses are smaller, the observer witnesses the photons having more impact, because mass is not a valid measure of energy either (E=mc^2 & E=hf is wrong). This is backed by undeniable observational evidence of red shift, blue shift, and time dilation, quantum theory = anthropomorphic and non-representative of physical reality, nor is general relativity, they are toy predictive models, not physically consistent mathematical explanations. Therefore I'll endlessly lay out the correct thermodynamic view of reality till you can justify nonsensical nonscientific radicalism of string theory pseudo science and loop quantum gravity pseudo science wars.

  12. ✨🫂💚✨
    No one but all of our subconscious.
    Ya’ll need to squish some tomatoes. “Be”-ing patient for the sun to shine enough enabling growth or the last shadows of lessons left unlearned.

    Is that to real for you, ask your higher self. This part of you can easily resonate without issues.
    Love, light, unity

  13. Yes quantum computing is hard and expensive. We scientists and engineers know that. Investors and governments seem to be the ones who are always surprised. Do they want QC or not? If yes, pay, if not, i guess we'll work on something else, something society really values, like, I don't know, marketing.

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